Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Kyle Anderson @ Nerdist
- Andrea Chase @
- Excerpt: derivative lump of lethargy that taints the thrill of the plot twist, and renders an action sequence in plummeting elevators dully predictable
- Sarah Gopaul @ Digital Journal
- Excerpt: The special effects are excellent and the action sequences are good with an original flavour due to their unique superhuman abilities, but tthe lack of emotion means it all could’ve been much better.
- MaryAnn Johanson @
- Excerpt: Incoherent action sequences and strained sci-fi woo-woo can’t save a clueless mashup of Robocop, The Matrix, and Captain America that makes a mockery of its protagonist. Deeply terrible.
- Frank Ochieng @ Flick Feast
- Excerpt: …relentlessly convoluted. The bio-engineered banality featured in Diesel’s vanity film project will make one’s weary eyes reflect this indulgent action thriller’s movie title.
- [New] | Eddie Pasa @ Gunaxin
- Excerpt: Bloodshot may be full of been-there-done-that, but it delivers exactly what it promises: a high-octane blast of popcorn cinema.