Here are our latest reviews of films on DVD.
Pre-2020 Film Reviews
The Deer Hunter (1978)
- Excerpt: Seen once more in 2021, 1978’s Best Picture winner feels more disturbing than ever.
Dreadnaught (1981)
Panagiotis Kotzathanasis @ Asian Movie Pulse
- Excerpt: “Dreadnaught” is a truly great film, a testament to the quality of HK action comedies and one of the best entries in the category.
The French Connection (1971)
- Excerpt: Too much ado about drugs
The Godfather Trilogy (1972)
- Excerpt: Going, going…gone
Heavenly Homecoming to Stars (1974)
Panagiotis Kotzathanasis @ Hancinema
- Excerpt: Heavenly Homecoming to Stars does not make sense at all times, and the deliriousness associated with cinema in the 70s does not always work in its favour. It is, however, a rather intriguing movie, both contextually and cinematically, with the overall approach Lee Jang-ho implements carrying the movie from beginning to end.
Knockabout (1979)
Panagiotis Kotzathanasis @ Asian Movie Pulse
- Excerpt: “Knockabout” has its issues, and in terms of context, essentially there isn’t any, but the action part and particularly Yuen Biao’s performance, and a number of gags, definitely compensate, in a title that ends up being quite entertaining.
Kramer vs Kramer (1979)
James Wegg @ JWR [French]
- Excerpt: This 1979 Best Picture winner just seems “off” in 2021.
Legendary Assassin (2008)
Panagiotis Kotzathanasis @ Asian Movie Pulse
- Excerpt: Apart from the self-idolization and the no-context aspect, none of which are unusual for the category, “Legendary Killer” is an impressive movie, a tribute to Wu Jing’s abilities, and another must for fans of action/martial arts cinema.
A Man for All Seasons (1966)
- Excerpt: In silence is my safety.
Rocky (1976)
- Excerpt: Worst Best Picture ever!
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
James Wegg @ JWR [French]
- Excerpt: Quid pro quo
The Sting (1973)
- Excerpt: Certainly loaded with blanks!