Here are some reviews of films coming out at the theater this week as well as others that may be in theaters or newly on home video.
2019 Films In Theaters Now In Select Areas
Angel Has Fallen
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
Blinded by the Light
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
Good Boys
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
The Nightingale
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
Ready or Not
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
47 Meters Down: Uncaged
Steve Biodrowski @ Hollywood Gothique
- Excerpt: 47 Meters Down: Uncaged is summer movie junk food: it’s not nutritious, but you will enjoy snacking on its empty calories as much as sharks enjoy snacking on empty-headed divers.
American Factory
Frederic & Mary Ann Brussat @ Spirituality & Practice
- Excerpt: Cultural clashes in factories.
Brittany Runs A Marathon
Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Excerpt: Brittany’s arc from drunken party girl to lonely island to trying to maintain life balance like the rest of us is what will most likely connect this Sundance-winner with audiences looking to root for an example of someone who confronts the worst, running and self improvement, and comes out the other side.
Bunuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles
Peter Nellhaus @ Coffee, Coffee and more Coffee
- Excerpt: I would advise anyone planning on seeing this film to see Land without Bread first, and then see how Bunuel and company created some of the more dramatic images.
The Fanatic
Herman Dhaliwal @ Cinema Sanctum
- Excerpt: John Travolta throws a lot into his performance, but the film is simply a thin and unpleasant experience.
The Fanatic
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Fred Durst’s film is a deeply unnerving look at 21st-century fandom.
The Fanatic
- Excerpt: The film’s technical and performance merits are hard to reconcile with its detestable premise.
The Great Hack
Dragan Antulov @ Draxblog VI [Croatian]
Mission Mangal
Kathy Gibson @ Access Bollywood
Raise Hell: The Life and Times of Molly Ivins
Frederic & Mary Ann Brussat @ Spirituality & Practice
- Excerpt: Thought-provoking documentary on the journalist whose humor challenged government incompetence and social injustices.
2018 Films
The Front Runner
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
Blood Paradise
- Excerpt: …plays, more than anything, like a calling card for lead Andréa Winter, who is only competent as an actress but who has movie star looks and a fiery sex appeal stoked by her eagerness to frequently disrobe.
The Load
- Excerpt: Leaves us with bleak images that are still haunting even if the Yugoslavian conflict is now all but forgotten for most people not living in the Balkans.