Here are some reviews of films coming out at the theater this week as well as others that may be in theaters or newly on home video.
Opening: Sep. 6, 2024
Wide (United States)
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
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Limited (United States)
His Three Daughters
Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: …Jacobs has been an astute observer of family dynamics. His latest is one of, if not his very best, a portrait of a blended family where three sisters cohabitating in tight quarters…learn that their perceptions of each other are all off the mark
Look into My Eyes
- Excerpt: Look Into My Eyes, the new documentary from Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Lana Wilson (After Tiller, Miss Americana), looks at another way many people seek connection: appointments with psychic mediums. Shot by Stephen Maing in a straightforward way that avoids leaning into supernatural tropes, this deeply empathetic and refreshingly non-judgmental film introduces us to a small group of New York City-based psychics who, through their readings, attempt to provide healing moments for their clients while also finding some healing themselves along the way.
2024 Films In Theaters Now In Select Areas
Alien: Romulus
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The Beekeeper
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Blink Twice
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The First Omen
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Hit Man
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Kinds of Kindness
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The People’s Joker
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Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: An intriguing premise of how AI disrupts a family’s life, but the narrative loses momentum with a rushed runtime and misses opportunities.
Apocalypse in the Tropics
- Excerpt: That sense of inquiry and curiosity stops ‘Apocalypse in the Tropics’ from veering into hyperbole without ever losing its harrowing urgency.
Chicken for Linda!
- Excerpt: Chicken for Linda! is a unique animated film that offers up a different experience for kids by immersing them in French culture.
The Crow
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
Sarah Gopaul @ Digital Journal
- Excerpt: For a story based on simple, primal concepts – love, death and revenge – it neglects to create a connection between audiences and the core characters, resulting in a soulless, tedious experience.
The Deliverance
The Exorcism of Saint Patrick
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: The whole is thus better upon reflection than it might seem in the moment. I think that eventual clarity does ultimately redeem it from my initial indifference, but I understand if it won’t be enough for others.
Fancy Dance
Samuel Castro @ El Colombiano [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Erica Tremblay, quien además de dirigir la película es la autora del guion junto a Miciana Alise, consigue, a pesar del planteamiento inicial, que la historia no caiga en ese didactismo de enciclopedia, lleno de buenas intenciones, que abunda en las cintas que pretenden reivindicar a un pueblo oprimido o describir una injusticia.
Gregory Carlson @ southpawfilmworks.net
The Great Escaper
Samuel Castro @ El Colombiano [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Tendríamos que poder expulsar de la sala del cine a aquellos que usen el celular durante las funciones de esta historia. O al menos poder poner un aviso que dijera: “Más respeto, que estás viendo la última película de Michael Caine”.
Jeanne du Barry
Samuel Castro @ El Colombiano [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Hay historias tan grandes que exceden las habilidades de quien quiere narrarlas. Piensen en películas biográficas fallidas como “Blonde”, en la que Andrew Dominik castigaba sin piedad a la pobre Marilyn Monroe, o en aquel esperpento de Oliver Stone, “Alexander”, en el que poner a Angelina Jolie como Olimpia, la madre de Alejandro Magno, no era la peor decisión que se tomaba en la película.
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three
- Excerpt: In the end, the Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Trilogy should have been cut down into one long movie instead of a 3-part cash grab.
Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara
Samuel Castro @ El Colombiano [Spanish]
- Excerpt: El título en español también se presta para equívocos. La mala traducción convirtió el original italiano, “Rapito” (Secuestrado) en “El secuestro del Papa”. Y como cada vez más personas no tienen ni idea de qué van a ver cuando visitan una sala de cine, no faltará el que crea que asistirá a una película histórica sobre alguien que quiso secuestrar al Papa, cuando es todo lo contrario.
Samuel Castro @ El Colombiano [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Podría llamarse Jauja. O Nunca Jamás. Porque Malta para Mariana, la protagonista de la segunda película de Natalia Santa, es en realidad un reino imaginario, una tierra donde corren ríos de leche y miel, una puerta de escape a esta vida gris, cansada y sin esperanza de brillo, en la que se siente pagando una condena.
The Old Oak
Samuel Castro @ El Colombiano [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Cuando se llega a los 88 años, como Ken Loach —dos veces ganador de la Palma de Oro en Cannes y director de “El último bar”, estrenada el jueves pasado en Colombia—, se tiene bastante claro qué tanta fe se puede tener en la humanidad. Sobre todo si uno ha tenido, como él, una conciencia social que terminó convirtiéndose en su estilo, en su marca de autor.
Scared Shitless
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: SCARED SHITLESS lives up to its promise. It’s funny, gross, and extremely Canadian. It’s a love letter to 1980s creature features with a game cast.
Strange Darling
Allen Almachar @ The MacGuffin
- Excerpt: It causes us to re-examine its characters almost from scene to scene, as well as how we watch and react to movies as a whole.
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: It’s not that Mollner is manipulating his characters to hide the truth. He’s manipulating our preconceptions to heighten it.
Waiting for Dali
Gregory J. Smalley @ 366 Weird Movies
- Excerpt: …surprisingly light and frothy, like carrot mousse, and sunny like the Catalonian shore, a celebration of creativity that shines even in the darkest days.
The Wasp
Sebastian Zavala @ Cinencuentro.com [Spanish]
- Excerpt: A pleasant surprise; a British thriller (by a Spanish director) that I knew little or nothing about, but that I ended up loving thanks to its efficient script, excellent acting, constant surprises, and intriguing themes.
The Whip
Andrea Chase @ KillerMovieReviews.com
- Excerpt: . If Presswell falters with scenes of tender sentiment, he is precise in evoking the crushing sense of helpless rage that a bottom-line based bureaucracy engenders. The dissection of absurdities great and small is flawless, and the dialogue is stinging as it slices with surgical precision.
Widow Clicquot
Samuel Castro @ El Colombiano [Spanish]
- Excerpt: A la viuda de Clicquot la encarna Haley Bennett, una actriz estadounidense cuyo reconocimiento popular no está todavía a la altura de su enorme talento. Bennett consigue que las frases que pronuncia en off y que son más poéticas que narrativas, pues van haciendo comparaciones entre su alma y las condiciones de las uvas en el terreno, sean las puntadas que unen los dos tiempos en los que se narra la película.
2023 Films
The Boy and the Heron
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This Closeness
Gregory Carlson @ southpawfilmworks.net
When Evil Lurks
Samuel Castro @ El Colombiano [Spanish]
- Excerpt: ¿Qué es el terror sino el desamparo? Gritarle al vacío o quejarte ante todos sabiendo que nadie, ni un dios, ni una autoridad, ni un vecino, te van a hacer caso.