Here are some reviews of films coming out at the theater this week as well as others that may be in theaters or newly on home video.
Opening: Oct. 21, 2022
Wide (United States)
Ticket to Paradise
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Limited (United States)
The Banshees of Inisherin
- Excerpt: Martin McDonagh delivers his tale of a friendship’s end that’s both darkly funny and poignant from start to finish. Considering the writing, directing, and standout performances from Farrell, Gleeson, and Condon, respectively, I walked out of the theater knowing full well this is one of the best films of 2022.
Travis Burgess @ The Sacred Wall
- Excerpt: Descendant’ is a warm, humanist drama about community in the face of miscarriages of justice
2022 Films In Theaters Now In Select Areas
The Adam Project
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
Halloween Ends
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
The Enforcer
Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Excerpt: Iliff’s script and Hughes’ direction might not provide anything we haven’t seen before, but both allow the actors the necessary room to give us what we need to stay invested.
The Good Nurse
- Excerpt: Deliberately non-lurid, using a synth score and pale color palette coupled with subtle shifts in camera focus and sudden shifts in its movement, THE GOOD NURSE is an absorbing cat-and-mouse thriller without the comfort of unreality to insulate us from the action.
- Excerpt: Here, post-war Vienna is rendered dark, distorted, and dangerous, a heaving mess of mind-bending angles and crooked architecture from which a person could lose their sanity trying to find an escape. But once you manage to look past the film’s extravagant visuals, it’s hard to not be left wanting something more.
The Justice of Bunny King
Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Excerpt: [Davis delivers] a strong performance shifting from protective mother hen to crazed and erratic survivor with her back to the wall. The climax might be over-the-top and too on-the-nose, but the emotional wallop is just right.
Maja Ma
Kathy Gibson @ Access Bollywood
Masking Threshold
Gregory J. Smalley @ 366 Weird Movies
- Excerpt: …a successful, immersive, and credible experiment in diving into one man’s particular rabbit hole universe.
Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon
Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: Even if that pacing and comedy isn’t your thing, however, it’s impossible not to enjoy the underlying message of kindness. You can use your rage to victimize others or remember its pain and set them free.
Old Man
Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: Old Man is the most monotonous movie I’ve seen in a long time.
Old Man
Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Excerpt: The (un)reality of what’s happening beneath the surface is hardly unique or secretive, but [how] Veach writes its revelations and McKee films its visual labyrinth spanning past, present, and purgatory ensure the drama unfolding is never without intrigue.
Operation Seawolf
Mark Leeper @ Mark Leeper’s Reviews
- Excerpt: The film is primarily about the conflicts within the German military towards the end of the war. (I should point out that this movie is fiction, and not based on an historical event.)
Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Excerpt: So, don’t expect to know how it’s all going to end since Pereda makes certain to save the blood for the finale. Everything else is mired in the unknown with screams in the night and heated confrontations by impotent adults desperate for answers.
Allen Almachar @ The MacGuffin
- Excerpt: It re-imagines the Romeo and Juliet world and does so with humor and charm.
Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: You know that thing where a movie is fine, but the performance from the lead actor or actress is something really special? That’s Rosaline.
Significant Other
Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: If a horror movie is judged by its effective shocks, then this one delivers at least one (maybe two) that are off the charts.
Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Excerpt: There’s a poetic nature to the whole too as Baghdadi avoids strict narrative plotting for emotional through lines. She shows just enough via expressions, body language, and actions to understand motivations and attitudes.
Travis Burgess @ The Sacred Wall
- Excerpt: Till’ is well acted and directed, but raises questions about the purpose of graphic misery on film
To Leslie
Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: This is slice of life humanity brimming with authenticity and propped up by one of the best performances of the year so we can understand the pain and self-loathing beneath every mean-spirited and vindictive action Leslie takes.
To the Moon
Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Excerpt: Friend handles the confusion and tone very well for the first two-thirds of the runtime. It’s so well-paced that the final twenty minutes hit with an urgency I wasn’t expecting. Fumbled landing or not, however, To the Moon does ultimately succeed.
Triangle of Sadness
Allen Almachar @ The MacGuffin
- Excerpt: I’m much more fascinated by a movie that aims high and misses rather than one that settles for average.
Triangle of Sadness
Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: Social satire of the highest order (complete with excessive projectile vomiting).
A Trip to Infinity
Mark Leeper @ Mark Leeper’s Reviews
- Excerpt: A TRIP TO INFINITY uses interviews, films, and a variety of animation styles to try to explain infinity, both as a mathematical concept an as how it relates to the universe, both in the small and the large.
- Excerpt: V/H/S/99 is the best of the series, maintaining a tightness and consistency that eluded previous episodes.
Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Excerpt: The mythology at Vesper’s back is purely about atmosphere and motivation. We don’t even need to know what the giant structures in the mud are. Only that one girl can restart nature despite them.
Women Talking
- Excerpt: Polley requires your attention for a self-contained, dialogue-driven story compelled by ideas of faith, the future and change. But it’s a film carried by a strong ensemble, especially from Foy and Buckley.
2021 Films
- Excerpt: Hockeyland does not so much examine or analyze hockey culture as it assumes and celebrates it, an approach that will quickly become tiresome if you’re not already on the bandwagon.