Here are some reviews of films coming out at the theater this week as well as others that may be in theaters or newly on home video.
Opening: Feb. 17, 2023
Wide (United States)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
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Limited (United States)
2022 Oscar Nominated Shorts
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Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: O’Connor weaves themes from ‘Wuthering Heights’ into her partially imagined biopic, love’s pain once again resulting from miscommunication, the supernatural suggested in a séance-like scene in which Emily conjures her mother…
The Integrity of Joseph Chambers
Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Writer/director Robert Machoian follows up his masterful “The Killing of Two Lovers” with the same crew and star for another exploration of the male ego pummeled into vulnerable submission.
Of an Age
Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Elias Anton, with his bedroom eyes and self-conscious grin, conveys both the unformed boy and confident man we meet ten years later…an artfully crafted emotional wrecking ball, a film that perfectly captures the intensity of first love.
2023 Films In Theaters Now In Select Areas
Knock at the Cabin
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Magic Mike’s Last Dance
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For member reviews of this film, follow this link
At Midnight
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: It’s broad strokes from start to finish—so exactly what those swooning at the trailer desire and what those rolling their eyes should avoid.
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: It’s the age-old conundrum: are evil deeds truly sinful if they are performed in the name of God? Who’s to say [Catholics] haven’t been fooled by the Devil since the first words of the Bible were written down?
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: While Consecration isn’t near Smith’s best horror film, it’s an interesting little story that digs into the abusive secrecy and historical misogyny of the Roman Catholic Church.
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: Sadly, the film is all build-up. While this fact ensures the end will be unsatisfying in its ambiguity, it also means that everything coming before the letdown is quite effective.
Huesera: The Bone Woman
Infinity Pool
Andrea Chase @ KillerMovieReviews.com
- Excerpt: Not for the faint of heart, it uses its unapologetic shock value to excellent advantage in making it savage points about humankind’s capacity for savagery.
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: Seeing how Ohs and company achieve [their] success on a small indie budget while subverting genre conventions might be worth having to sit through [a rather egregious] blunder.
Line of Fire
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: I can’t personally separate its entertainment from its messaging—unwitting or not. I just can’t. All the power to you if you can, though, because LINE OF FIRE is entertaining.
Andrea Chase @ KillerMovieReviews.com
- Excerpt: A fast-paced excursion through the wonders of connectivity, analog and virtual. Its judgment calls are as thoughtful as they are on point about how technology pervades every facet of our lives, consensual or not.
She Came From the Woods
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: It leans into its 80s setting to get away with some extremely poor taste jokes and plays fast and loose with characters as long as they serve the plot, but the action never drags and [the kills] keep us invested for the duration.
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Sick rises above a lot of other modern slasher horror by pulling many of our real lives throughout the pandemic into the foreground.
Somebody I Used to Know
Allen Almachar @ The MacGuffin
- Excerpt: This is not only about the hijinks of a rom com – it is also a story about self-worth and personal identity. While not all the elements work cohesively, the ambition to explore those areas is notable.
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: It’s that willingness to call out characters that got me to start sitting straighter in my seat throughout. These are all complicated people trying to find their footing in the murky space between past and future. It’s time to finally live in the present.
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: I was really vibing with the film for the first half of its runtime. It’s tense and mysterious [before ultimately becoming] a prolonged survival film as [the Boss] and Benjamin play cat and mouse to familiar ends.
When You Finish Saving the World
Andrea Chase @ KillerMovieReviews.com
- Excerpt: Raw in aspect, but refined in approach, WHEN YOU FINISH SAVING THE WORLD has compassion for its characters that they might not afford even themselves. This is a small but mighty story told with subtle tensions rather than overt melodrama. It is a far more effective and affecting work for it, full of discomfort, humor, and astute perception.
2022 Films
Everything Everywhere All at Once
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
She Said
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
The Woman King
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
Women Talking
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: With fantastic performances and an intelligence to the storytelling that refuses to sacrifice authenticity for happy endings, he’s showing us society’s flaws while highlighting those best suited to fix them: the ones harmed most by their injustice.
Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: This Oscar nominated International Feature Film is a heartbreaking and powerful depiction of a teenage friendship.
Una Great Movie
Mark Leeper @ Mark Leeper’s Reviews
- Excerpt: UNA GREAT MOVIE (written and directed by Jennifer Sharp) is basically a remake of the 1989 Kevin Bacon film THE BIG PICTURE, which given the title, may not be an accident. A screenwriter talks to various Hollywood executives, and gradually her screenplay about a Black women traveling through Mexico looking for romance becomes full of stereotypes, and white-washed to boot.