Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: while Efron’s been proving he can act, demonstrating his range by taking on such roles as Ted Bundy, his Kevin Von Erich is his best performance to date…in a film whose alternate title could have been “Four Funerals and a Wedding.”
- Sarah Gopaul @ Digital Journal
- Excerpt: Even though this is a movie about wrestlers, there isn’t a lot of time spent in the ring — even the one representation of a WWF superstar is a bit laughable. Instead, the focus is on relationships, making it accessible to a wider audience.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: This wrestling drama is the heavyweight champion of emotion.
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: A first-rate family drama, even if you don’t care about professional wrestling.
- Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: THE IRON CLAW is an abridged depiction of a “curse” as self-fulfilling prophecy rather than a dissection of that curse’s origins. It’s enough to move audiences, showcase Efron, and ignite Google searches to discover the everything left out.
- Matt Oakes @ Silver Screen Riot
- Excerpt: Sean Durkin’s portrayal of the Von Erich family is steeped in tragedy and bolstered by a powerful ensemble cast. However, the film struggles to navigate through different emotional landscapes and falls short in presenting wrestling as the harrowing spectacle the film intends it to be.
- [New] | Diego Salgado @ SoFilm [Spanish]
- Rene Sanchez @ Cine Sin Fronteras [Spanish]
- Manuel São Bento @ Firstshowing
- Excerpt: Sean Durkin’s The Iron Claw offers a compelling exploration of how fervent passion can eventually mutate into unhealthy obsession, along with obsession’s impact on a legendary family, highly elevated by powerful, committed performances.
- Nadine Whitney @ The Curb
- Excerpt: The Great American Tragedy: Damaged masculinity and the Von Erich family
- Sebastian Zavala @ Cinencuentro.com [Spanish]
- Excerpt: “The Iron Claw” works as a competent drama, centered around the best performance Zac Efron has given to date. It’s not just another sports film, and I’m grateful that Durkin and his team have dared to do something different.