Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- [New] | Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat @ Spirituality & Practice
- Excerpt: A biopicture about the remarkable photographer whose World War II pictures reshaped how people saw the war and its victims.
- Gregory Carlson @ southpawfilmworks.net
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Winslet is a force, her focus on the Rolleiflex hanging around her neck intense, her determination to report the horrors she has seen…unwavering. She’s tough, sexy as hell and a strong reason to see this otherwise flawed film.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Kate Winslet is truly exceptional, and Andy Samberg surprises with a thoughtful performance, too. Despite Miller’s groundbreaking life, the film takes the traditional route.
- MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: It barely scratches the surface of the enormous audacity of WWII photographer Lee Miller, but still this is an important movie. It’s also joyous filmmaking, with terrific performances all around.