Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- David “DC” Bolling @ DC’s Take
- Excerpt: Seligman’s follow-up proved to not be a fluke in delivering an energetically hilarious throwback to classic high school movies that isn’t not afraid to be out there.
- Gregory Carlson @ southpawfilmworks.net
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Seligman and her star have pulled influences from such genre touchstones as “American Pie,” the obvious David Fincher film and Sennot’s little seen “Tahara” for their own queer twist on the raunchy teen sex comedy and it’s an instant classic
- Derek Deskins @ Edge Media Network
- Excerpt: Emma Seligman has delivered a movie that stretches its own genre and tells a story that is decidedly unique, while also feeling cozily familiar. “Bottoms” is smart, different, and, through it all, unrelentingly funny.
- Bavner Donaldo @ Cinejour [Indonesian]
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Wears its label as “the horniest, bloodiest high school movie of the 21st century” with pride.
- Nell Minow @ moviemom.com
- Excerpt: “Bottoms” is a cheerfully deranged take on the classic high school underdog story and I mean that in the nicest possible way. It’s a twisted take on the classic story of teenagers who want to have sex and be popular.
- Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: You do need to get on its wavelength to enjoy it to the fullest. It probably skews too crazy for my own liking, but I had a smile on my face throughout and laughed out loud enough to become a legitimate fan.
- Christopher Reed @ Hammer to Nail
- Excerpt: Beyond any individual performer or scene, however, it’s the sum total of the mayhem that makes this shot of pure cinematic adrenaline the must-see event of the summer. Bottoms up!
- Josh Thayer @ The Forgetful Film Critic
- Excerpt: One working title for Bottoms was reportedly Gay High School Fight Club. Seligman put that exact scenario on the screen, to hilarious and completely irreverent effect.
- [New] | Nadine Whitney @ The Curb
- Excerpt: From its throwback poster parodying and/or paying homage to Revenge of the Nerds (1984) to its literal no holds barred crass comedy, Emma Seligman and Rachel Sennott’s Bottoms is both a throwback and absolutely of the moment.