OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
5 Favorites #146: Saoirse Ronan
The Hobbit Cartoon From the ’70s Is Pure Nightmare Town
The Two Towers at 20: How Lord of the Rings’ Middle Chapter Is the Saga’s Best
Awards Coverage
Poll: Re-Awarding Best Actor, 1999
The Friday Face-Off, The Ultimate List – Week #14
Upcoming Film Previews
All Quiet on the Western Front
Armageddon Time
Casablanca Beats
The Good Boss
Land of Dreams
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile, updated
The Son
The Swearing Jar
Wendell & Wild
Wood and Water
Festival Coverage (Individual or Group Reviews)
Christopher Reed @ Hammer to Nail
- Excerpt: Let’s give a big round of applause to Doucouré, who didn’t let the manufactured controversy over her first movie stop her from upping her cinematic game. “Hawa” is a delight.
The Lost King
Christopher Reed @ Film Festival Today
- Excerpt: The Lost King is a mostly fun ride, following the adventures and misadventures of a woman persevering despite the constant disrespect she encounters. And the central message, that we all deserve second chances and to be seen for who we are, is a good one
My Sailor, My Love
Christopher Reed @ Hammer to Nail
- Excerpt: Härö keeps his cinematic cards close to his sleeve, revealing each new emotional twist like a master poker player. And even if the conclusion feels rushed, more straight flush than royal, the payoff is still extremely poignant.
Until Branches Bend
Christopher Reed @ Hammer to Nail
- Excerpt: The movie is at times rough around the edges, as one might expect in a first feature, but mostly this just adds to the charm. At the heart of the story is Robin’s unyielding faith in herself, beautifully portrayed by Glowicki.
We Are Still Here
Christopher Reed @ Hammer to Nail
- Excerpt: By the end, we have spent time in the company of engaging characters across a fascinating array of stories. Whether we are in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Australia, a small island, or the bottom of a nameless trench, the heartbreak remains the same.
While We Watched
Christopher Reed @ Hammer to Nail
- Excerpt: In his new documentary, “While We Watched,” director Vinay Shukla (“An Insignificant Man”) takes a hard look at the devastating consequences of the rising tide of Hindu nationalism in his native India.
The Woman King
Christopher Reed @ Film Festival Today
- Excerpt: Anyone looking for a rousing action-adventure film featuring strong women of color taking a stand against both white supremacy and the patriarchy need look no further than “The Woman King,” which more than delivers on the promise of its premise.