OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
A Conversation with Sinéad O’Shea (Blue Road: The Edna O’Brien Story)
Christopher Reed @ Hammer to Nail
- Excerpt: Irish documentarian Sinéad O’Shea … has a new film out, “Blue Road: The Edna O’Brien Story,” which just premiered at the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival—aka TIFF—where I reviewed it. As per the title, it offers a comprehensive portrait of the celebrated (and controversial, to some) Irish writer Edna O’Brien, who died at the age of 93 on July 27 of this year.
Hayley Easton Street on her feature debut ‘Something in the Water’
Howard J Ford discusses ‘Escape’ and ‘DarkGame’
Robert Harmon reflects on ‘The Hitcher’
Steven Kostanski talks puppetry, crossovers and Frankie Freako
About Cinema Canon and Genealogy
Diego Salgado @ Transit, Cine y otros Desvíos [Spanish]
Megalopolis sees Francis Ford Coppola go full Neil Breen
- Excerpt: The kaleidoscopic piece of late-era filmmaking also resembles a Z-movie vanity project.
Awards Coverage
Contender: Flow
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Contender: The Outrun
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Poll: Re-Awarding Best Directing, 2011
The Ultimate List Poll #117
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Upcoming Film Previews
Bad Genius
Caddo Lake, Updated
Gladiator II, Updated
Heavier Trip
The Killer’s Game, Updated
Look Back
A Real Pain, Updated
Red One, Updated
Rumours, Updated
Transformers One, Updated
V/H/S/Beyond, Updated
Festival Coverage
[Fantastic Fest 2024] A Fermenting Woman / Don’t Talk to Strangers
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
[Fantastic Fest 2024] A New, Haunting Flesh in Grazia Tricarico’s Body Odyssey
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Body Odyssey is a surreal and haunting portrait of a woman in bodybuilding caught between the conflicting desires of society, of men, and of her own body/mind.
[Fantastic Fest 2024] Binary’s Powerfully Gothic Trans Horror Doubles as Trans History Lesson
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Binary is a smart, albeit disturbing, look at how trans identity holds within it, just like queer identity, a Gothic potential for haunting.
[Fantastic Fest 2024] The Shadows Have Much to Teach You in Dean Puckett’s The Severed Sun
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Puckett crafts his own unique, folklorish tale about how when vulnerable people are left without anyone to turn to, they turn to whatever will save them.
[Fantastic Fest 2024] Touched by Eternity De-Romanticises the Vampire
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Touched by Eternity is a pitch-dark comedy that gradually becomes darker as the film wears on until it reaches an abyssal end.
[Fantastic Fest 2024] What Happened to Dorothy Bell? & the Destructive Repression of Family Truth
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Villanueva’s film has such a strong impact because it crosses issues of hereditary mental illness with the supernatural and demonic possession in order to tell a story of a family, like so many other families, plagued by psychological terror.
[Fantastic Fest 2024] Witte Wieven: The Power of the Feminine Against Patriarchy & Religion
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Witte Wieven is a harrowing tale of the power religion and patriarchy hold over individuals and entire communities.
Albert Serra e Tardes de Soledad
Paulo Portugal @ insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Depois de Pacification (2022), Albert Serra, provavelmente, o cineasta espanhol mais interessante da atualidade, lança-se na arriscada, mas inteiramente conseguida, abordagem dos touros e das touradas. Tardes de Soledad, o filme merecedor da Concha de Ouro, na 72ª edição do Festival de San Sebastian, será mesmo o oposto de ‘pacífico’.
It Came from Texas 2024: Celebrating the Independent Texas Spirit
Josh Thayer @ The Forgetful Film Critic
- Excerpt: The theme of this year’s It Came from Texas film festival was a celebration of the independent Texas spirit. Festival director Kelly Kitchens infused that theme not only into the movies she chose to screen, but into every aspect of the fest to create a wider celebration of Texas artists and their impact on the history and legacy of film.
Melhor Filme para Albert Serra e Melhor Realização para Laura Carreira em San Sebastian
Paulo Portugal @ insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: No palmares da 72ª edição do SSIFF, Tardes de Soledad vence Concha de Ouro, The Last Showgirl ganha Prémio Especial do Júri. On Falling vence Melhor Realização.
On Falling – Laura Carreira em San Sebastian: “É um reconhecimento enorme!”
Paulo Portugal @ insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Desde cedo, On Falling foi um dos filmes preferidos pela crítica internacional a fazer a cobertura da 72ª edição do festival de San Sebastian. Justíssimo, portanto, o prémio de Melhor Realização para a portuguesa Laura Carreira.
Other Types of Articles
Contemporary Costumes: Why Don’t You Play in Hell?
Mad Max Saga
Diego Salgado @ Split Screen [Spanish]
Movie Madness Episode 506: All The While Ran Blood, Great Coppola Fell
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Erik Childress and Steve Prokopy are back on the review beat this weekend with eight new releases, many of them from the festival circuit.
Movie Madness Episode 507: Whoa! Robert Loggia!
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: It’s a light week for physical media as we prepare for the onslaught of horror to arrive in October.
TCM Star of the Month: Bela Lugosi
- Excerpt: Bela Lugosi will forever be identified with his defining role: Count Dracula…. Yet his career neither began nor ended with the iconic Count.
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Diego Salgado @ Split Screen [Spanish]
Box Office History (Week 39, 2024)
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: October 1
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: October 2
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: October 3
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: September 27
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: September 28
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: September 29
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: September 30
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape