OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
Best Modern Westerns (1984 to present)
Robert Roten @ Laramie Movie Scope
- Excerpt: One of the early movies that signaled a Western revival was “Silverado” in 1985. With a budget of $23 million, top notch production values and a soundtrack that got a couple of Oscar nominations, this was a very serious attempt to revive the Western genre.
Edgar Pêra: “Não há um algoritmo para fazer cinema”
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Entrevista com o autor de Não Sou Nada, onde se fala de Fernando Pessoa, cinéfilia e inteligência artificial.
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Encontro em San Sebastian com a realizadora brasileira Carolina Markowicz, além dos atores Maeve Jinkings, Kauã Alvarenga e o português Isac Graça.
Five Nights at Freddy’s and the Allure of Let’s Play Cinema
- Excerpt: Five Nights at Freddy’s gave the box office a jump scare, but it’s no surprise why: The franchise, and how its viewers/players interact with it, is a natural evolution of the guided rites of passage that have long welcomed initiates into the wider world of horror.
Poor Things
Katie Smith-Wong @ Musings of Guitargalchina (personal blog)
- Excerpt: Upon watching Poor Things at London Film Festival, I was unprepared for the journey of protagonist Bella Baxter, played impeccably by Emma Stone.
Awards Coverage
Contender: October Update
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Poll: Re-Awarding Best Visual Effects, 1999
The Ultimate List Poll #73
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Upcoming Film Previews
Anyone But You
Family Switch
The Killer, Updated
Allison Rose @ FlickDirect.com
- Excerpt: Parachute is engaging and ‘in your face’ without being preachy.
The The End We Start From
Under the Boardwalk
Waitress: The Musical
When Time Got Louder
Wish, Updated
Festival Coverage (General)
LEFFEST promove conversa entre Victor Erice e Pedro Costa
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Victor Erice e Pedro Costa irão estar face a face numa conversa integrada no festival LEFFEST. Isto no seguimento da exibição dos seus filmes mais recentes.
LEFFEST: Carax, Hamaguchi, Puiu e Nitin Sawhney em masterclass
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Está já aí à porta a 17ª edição do Leffest (de 10 a 19 de novembro em Lisboa). E também a presença de um quarteto de talentos para várias masterclass. Desde logo o francês Leos Carax, o japonês Ryusuke Hamaguchi, o romeno Cristi Puiu e o compositor britânico Nitin Sawhney.
Museu Lumière: foi aqui que nasceu o cinema
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Era uma vez a aventura do cinema. É um pouco essa sensação cinéfila que nos habita ao entrar na villa Lumière, onde se situa também o Museu com o nome dos inventores do cinema. Ali mesmo, e como sempre, no nº 25 da rua do Primeiro Filme, em pleno bairro Montplaisir, na cidade de Lyon.
Robert Altman, um cineasta rebelde de muitas causas
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Iconoclasta, bigger than life, caótico, controverso. Canónico. O cinema de Robert Altman dificilmente será menos que isso. Ainda assim, permanece insuficientemente de um público maior. O Festival Lumière procurou colmatar essa brecha programando uma dúzia de grandes filmes de Altman para uma robusta retrospetiva, contemplando o seu trabalho nas últimas três décadas.
VIFF Thoughts
Marina Antunes @ After the Credits
Festival Coverage (Individual or Group Reviews)
Christopher Reed @ Film Festival Today
- Excerpt: The big mystery, throughout, remains the question of why “Priscilla” adopts such an episodic approach to the narrative, one short scene following the next, separated by gentle fades to black.
Other Types of Articles
Life with Lucy: Breaking Up is Hard to Do
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: Despite a bad start, Breaking Up is Hard to Do managed to right itself to make an entertaining half hour. Pity Life with Lucy as a whole failed to do likewise.
Life with Lucy: Lucy’s Green Thumb
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: Lucy’s Green Thumb the eleventh of thirteen Life with Lucy episodes and the third unaired one, was better (than past episodes) to be sure, but it is still pretty abysmal.
Life with Lucy: World’s Greatest Grandma
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: With a surprisingly moving ending, World’s Greatest Grandma ends (Life with Lucy) if maybe not on a high note, but a respectable one.
Movie Madness Episode 426: I’ve Had Enough Bad Love
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Erik Childress and Steve Prokopy begin November with 10 new reviews this week.
Movie Madness Episode 427: Chan, Keaton, Winthorp and Billy Ray Valentine, You Betcha!
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Peter Sobczynski joins Erik Childress again to provide a rundown of what you can add to your physical media collection this week.
Box Office History (Week 44, 2023)
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: November 3
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: November 4
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: November 5
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: November 6
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: November 7
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: November 8
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: November 9
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape