OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
5 Favorites Redux #19: The Best of Guy Pearce
Just in the Minuscule Things That Happen in a Day: Kelly Reichardt on “First Cow”
- Excerpt: I was taking an Indian cinema class and the Satyajit Ray films had the same sort of thing where they somehow told stories, big picture stories, but all about family, and just in the minuscule things that happen in a day.
Premature Is A Coming-Of-Age Love Story That Never Undermines Its Heroine
We Want to Tell Personal Stories; Pixar’s Kelsey Mann on Onward
- Excerpt: There’s something so appealing about watching these two incredible actresses in the car together. We really liked the balance between the two boys doing their thing and these two incredible women doing their thing as the B story.
Awards Coverage
The Friday Face-Off Round One #30
Oscar Preview: Weekend of Mar. 6-8, 2020
Poll: Remaking Best Supporting Actress, 2007
Tuesdays with Oscar: Glenda Jackson in ‘Women in Love’ (1970)
Jerry Roberts @ Over-Thinking Oscar
- Excerpt: When buzz began about Ken Russell’s adaptation of D.H. Lawrence’s Women in Love, it was all focused on a soft-lit nude wrestling match between male co-stars Alan Bates and Oliver Reed. Yet, when the movie was released . . .
Video Essays, Video Reviews, Vlogs & More
Great Scots: ‘Whiskey Galore!’ and ‘The Maggie’
Other Types of Articles
Cinematic Poetry
- Excerpt: After watching IN THE MOON’S SHADOW, a lovely independent film, I was motivated to write this poem.
Spenser Confidential
Herman Dhaliwal @ Cinema Sanctum
- Excerpt: It’s serviceable as a vehicle for some solid action beats, and moments of character-driven comedy, and that’s kind of all it needs to be. It’s by no means great, but I did sincerely have a good time watching it.
Oscar in Box Office History (Week 10, 2020)
Poll: Best of Mar. 2019, Wide
Poll: Now That You’ve Seen “Onward”
Poll: What Are You Watching? (Mar. 13-15, 2020)
Preview: Artemis Fowl, updated
Preview: Big Time Adolescence
Preview: Candyman
Preview: Connected
Preview: Judy & Punch
Preview: Saint Maud, updated
Preview: Tuscaloosa
This Day in Oscar History: March 06
This Day in Oscar History: March 07
This Day in Oscar History: March 08
This Day in Oscar History: March 09
This Day in Oscar History: March 10
This Day in Oscar History: March 11
This Day in Oscar History: March 12
The Witcher Season 1 Review
Dragan Antulov @ Draxblog VI [Croatian]