OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Awards Coverage
The Contenders: June Retrospective/August Forecast
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Poll: Re-Awarding Best Directing, 2000
The Ultimate List Poll #107
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Upcoming Film Previews
Before Dawn
Gladiator II
The Last Breath
Mothers’ Instinct
My Old Ass
One Fast Move
Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In
We Live in a Time
Widow Clicquot
Transplendent: Shelley Duvall (1949-2024)
- Excerpt: She had a beguiling innocence and naturalism that could contrast with her exaggerated, easily caricatured, appearance.
Other Types of Articles
Movie Madness Episode 488: Bullshit Or Not?
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Before each of them take their respective vacations, Erik Childress and Steve Prokopy have nine movies for you to check out or throw away.
Movie Madness Episode 489: Time Of Your Life, Huh Kid?
Erik Childress @ Now Playing Network
- Excerpt: Some great titles to put into your physical media library this week and Peter Sobczynski is here with Erik Childress to help guide you through them.
Queer Classics: Little Caesar
Box Office History (Week 28, 2024)
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: July 12
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: July 13
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: July 14
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: July 15
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: July 16
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: July 17
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape
Oscar History: July 18
Wesley Lovell @ Awards Landscape