OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
16 Groundbreaking Documentaries That Are Inherently Flawed
5 Favorites #137: Brooks, Cera, Hounsou, Takei, Yeoh
Deep Sea Cinema
- Excerpt: The deep blue sea can be as terrifying as any movie monster on screen. Vast, fathomless and impenetrable to the human eye, it’s not just the cold depths but the unseen creatures—real or imagined—laying just beyond the surface.
The Fastest Man on Earth: Tom Cruise
Diego Salgado @ El País [Spanish]
Joe Bob’s Indoor Drive-In Geek-Out Double Feature
Josh Thayer @ The Forgetful Film Critic
- Excerpt: I can’t think of a better overseer for these dubious masterpieces than the man, the myth, the legend, Joe Bob Briggs. In his immortal words, “The drive-in will never die!”
Quatermass and the Pit
Mark Leeper @ Mark Leeper’s Reviews
- Excerpt: QUATERMASS AND THE PIT is something of a legend in Britain.
Awards Coverage
The Friday Face-Off, The Ultimate List – Week #5
Oscar Preview: Weekend of Jul. 8-10, 2022
Poll: Remaking Best Directing, 2010
Upcoming Film Previews
Bullet Train, updated
Costa Brava, Lebanon
Emily the Criminal
Gone in the Night
Hocus Pocus 2
Mack & Rita
Queen of Glory
See How They Run
Thirteen Lives
The Woman King
Wrong Place
Festival Coverage (Individual or Group Reviews)
American Scar | Bump | Bestia | You’re Dead, Hélène
- Excerpt: Four shorts from Palm Springs 2022
The Conductor | El Carrito | Rustling | July | Seasick
- Excerpt: Random shorts from Palm Springs 2022
The Panola Project | Imagine a Body | The Beautiful Colours of Jeremy Sicile-Kira | Appendage | The Berry PickersAPPENDAGE | THE BERRY PICKERS
- Excerpt: More and more shorts from Palm Springs 2022
Soft Sounds of Peeling Fruit | Salvador Dali | Mirage | NYC Tips and Tricks | Man or Tree
- Excerpt: Still more shorts from Palm Springs 2022
Reviews of Short Films
Neptune Frost | Guantanamo Diary Revisited | Moving in 2008 | Potato Dreams of America
- Excerpt: A quartet of films that will dazzle the eye and excite the mind
Overnight Walk
- Excerpt: “Overnight Walk” is an excellent short, highlighting the great sense of measure Isobe exhibits in all aspects of the film, while also communicating his occasionally pointed but always realistic comments in the most eloquent fashion.
Other Types of Articles
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet and the nerve-wracking nature of nothingness in 1950s white America
Behind the Scenes Stories from Brat Pack Movies
E.T. The Extraterrestrial (1982)
Diego Salgado @ Fallo de Sistema (Radio 3) [Spanish]
Let’s Talk Spoilers – ‘The Boys’ Season 3
- Excerpt: The newest Let’s Talk Spoilers is now live! Today we talk about the most gruesome, lewd, and exciting superhero show there is… The Boys!
Let’s Talk Spoilers – ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’
- Excerpt: The newest Let’s Talk Spoilers is now live! Today we talk about the first solo MCU franchise to get four movies Thor: Love and Thunder!