OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
5 Favorites Redux #62: Snowy Movies
The Best Horror Films of 2020
The Best TV Shows of 2020
- Excerpt: With theaters largely closed, entertainment moved to the small screen. Here are the 25 best of the year.
Brent’s Top 15 Movies of 2020
Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
My Top 10 Films of 2020
Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: To say 2020 was a difficult year would be an understatement. Yet I still saw a lot of great films that made me happy.
Small Worlds: Ryan McNeil’s Top Five Films of 2020
Ryan McNeil @ www.thematinee.ca
- Excerpt: The scale of the stories on the screen was much smaller in 2020…but their impact – and their legacy – was undeniable.
Top Ten Films of 2020
- Excerpt: A drunken experiment, oily cakes, a horror remake, punk rock love… What made the cut for the best films of 2020?
Awards Coverage
The Friday Face-Off, Round Three #4
Poll: Remaking Best Original Screenplay, 2007
Movie Theaters and Me
Josh Taylor @ The Forgetful Film Critic
- Excerpt: I lament movie theaters going away because the pleasures of seeing a movie projected onto a 40’ screen are unique and precious to me. The shared experience – one of the last we as a culture have, since every possible audience segment has been cleaved off and siloed into our own bunkers – of sitting in a dark room as light and shadow are projected onto an impossibly huge wall is magical.
Video Essays, Video Reviews, Vlogs & More
Matineecast Episode 250
Ryan McNeil @ www.thematinee.ca
- Excerpt: Talkin’ 2020 at The Movies with guest Andrew Robinson. We discuss what was and what wasn’t, then close out the year by naming off our top films.