OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
5 Favorites #111: Christmas Day Releases
Reeling’s 2021 Top Ten Lists
Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
Juho Kuosmanen – Compartment nº 6
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Seguimos viagem com Juho Kuosmanen no interior seu Compartimento nº 6. Entrevista, o Verão passado, no Festival de Karlovy Vary, seguindo o sucesso de Cannes onde vencera Grand Prix.
What Nunsploitation Films Are Saying About The Catholic Church
Festivals: General Coverage
O que eu quero ver: as ‘screwball comedies’ na Berlinale classics
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: A Berlinale (cuja 72ª edição que decorre de 10 a 20 de Fevereiro) está aí. No que diz respeito à secção de clássicos, ficamos a saber que se recupera a intenção de programar a retrospectiva sobre a ‘screwball classics, “No Angels – Mae West, Rosalind Russell & Carole Lombard”, prevista para 2020.
Outsiders: ‘The Rider’ fecha com chave de ouro o ciclo de cinema independente americano
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: ‘The Rider’, de Chloé Zhao (‘Nomadland’) encerra o festival Outsiders dedicado ao cinema independente americano a decorrer no São Jorge. Por lá passaram Joe Swanberg (com dois filmes e uma ‘master class’), curtas dos manos Benny e Josh Safdie, além das visões pessoais e o estilo de Lena Dunham, Robert Greene, Patrick Wang ou John Magary.
‘ Super Natural’ de Jorge Jácome selecionado para a Berlinale
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Super Natural, de Jorge Jácome, é o primeiro filme português a ser selecionado para a 72ª edição do Festival de Berlim. O cineasta português regressa assim a Berlim, onde já foi feliz, há dois anos, com a exibição da sua curta, Past Perfect.
In 1996, ‘Jerry Maguire’ Gave A Single Mother Permission To Want More — And Get It
Awards Coverage
94th Oscars Preview: Precursor Winners & Losers, Week 3
The Friday Face-Off, Losers Bracket (Losers), Round 2 #9
Oscar Preview: Weekend of Dec. 17-19, 2021
Poll: Remaking Best Animated Feature, 2001
An Appreciation – The Thing
Allen Almachar @ The MacGuffin
- Excerpt: A masterpiece of horror filmmaking.
Is Peter Dinklage Right for Cyrano?
Betty Jo Tucker @ ReelTalk Movie Reviews
- Excerpt: Reflections about Peter Dinklage and CYRANO, his upcoming film.
‘ Last and First Men’: Contemplating the End of Days
Video Essays, Video Reviews, Vlogs & More
Movie Date: Ep. 18 – House of Gucci/Starbucks
- Excerpt: On this episode of Movie Date, Jennifer and I go on a date to Starbucks and watch House of Gucci and eat AirHeads.
Reviews of Short Films
Everything in Its Right Place
Panagiotis Kotzathanasis @ Asian Movie Pulse
- Excerpt: In that fashion, “Everything in Its Right Place” emerges as an interesting and quite well-shot film, which would be much better, though, if it was a feature. Hopefully, we will see something like that soon from Lau, who definitely seems to have what it takes to come up with a great crime drama.
The Longest Ride
Panagiotis Kotzathanasis @ Asian Movie Pulse
- Excerpt: “The Longest Ride” is an interesting short, and quite well-shot despite its evident low budget. Patil, however, needs to be more sure about his comments and the way of their presentation within the narrative, if he is to move onto the next level.
Other Types of Articles
Allan Dwan na Cinemateca: o grande operário do cinema clássico americano
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
Isabelle Huppert homenageada com o Urso de Ouro na Berlinale
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Isabelle Huppert vai ser distinguida no próximo festival de Berlim (decorre de 10 a 20 de Fevereiro de 2022) com um Urso de Ouro, homenageando a sua longa e fértil carreira. De resto, a actriz francesa não é estranha à Berlinale e é mesmo uma presença habitué, tendo participado por sete vezes em filmes no concurso ao Urso de Ouro.
What Will Be the Next Anime Adaptation for Disney+?
- Excerpt: Looks like Disney+ is getting in on the anime game after the success of Star Wars: Visions. Four anime titles are expected to debut on the streamer in 2022…