OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
5 Favorites #123: Jake Gyllenhaal
Interview With Fan Yang-chung
- Excerpt: About the world of hostesses, prostitution and art, Taiwanese society, the sex scenes and the visual approach of the movie, and many other topics
Awards Coverage
The 94th Academy Awards: ‘CODA’ wins, ‘Dune’ cleans up and Will flips out.
Jerry Roberts @ Armchair Cinema
- Excerpt: It wasn’t exactly a night that anyone could call ‘boring’ but it was a night that will be forever marked – at best – as “awkward” and then – at worst – a sign of the times. Will Smith walked onto the Oscar stage Sunday night and slapped Chris Rock in defense of a joke that the comedian issued about his wife’s lack of hair.
Oscar Preview: Weekends of Jan. 7-9, 2022 through Apr. 1-3, 2022
Poll: Best Animated Feature, 2016
Upcoming Film Previews
9 Bullets
Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood
Choose or Die
Hit the Road
Men, updated
Poppy Field
The Ravine
Festival Coverage (General)
The 2022 Annapolis Film Festival Still Going Strong at 10!
Christopher Reed @ Film Festival Today
- Excerpt: The Annapolis Film Festival (AFF) just ran March 31 to April 3, marking its 10th Anniversary. That is quite an achievement, for sure, but no guarantee of continuing artistic quality.
Other Types of Articles
Let’s Talk Spoilers – Morbius
- Excerpt: The newest Let’s Talk Spoilers is now live! Today we talk about the SSU’s worst film (so far) Morbius. Check it out.