Here are our latest reviews of films on DVD.
Pre-2020 Film Reviews
Anastasia (1997)
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: It may not be history, but Anastasia is well-crafted and good for all ages.
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: While Beauty and the Beast is at times pretty to look at, there is a hollowness, a sadness to it all.
By Candlelight (1933)
Gattaca (1997)
Mark Leeper @ Mark Leeper’s Reviews
- Excerpt: GATTACA is a cold film that frequently stretches credibility, but still it stands as one of the more intelligent science fiction films of the 90s.
Prince of Darkness (1987)
Mark Leeper @ Mark Leeper’s Reviews
- Excerpt: A very demanding and very rewarding horror film.
Zerograd (1989)
Gregory J. Smalley @ 366 Weird Movies
- Excerpt: Zerograd’ can be enjoyed as a crawl through an enclave of eccentrics, but it’s also a major historical artifact documenting the dour mood as the Soviet system tottered on the brink of collapse. The Russian identity crisis explored here continues to trouble the world to this day.