Here are our latest reviews of films on DVD.
Pre-2022 Film Reviews
August 32nd on Earth (1998)
Dan Stalcup @ The Goods: Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Villeneuve reinforces the idea that the characters are undergoing a spiritual transformation as well as romantic with both imagery and elliptical editing.
Chantal Akerman 1968-1978 (1968-1978)
Incendies (2010)
Dan Stalcup @ The Goods: Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Denis Villeneuve spends Incendies creating a tension between docudrama and melodrama… I was deeply engaged, though I did feel a little bit gross about it.
The Kung Fu Panda Trilogy (2008, 2011, 2016)
Sebastian Zavala @ MeGustaElCine.com [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Just by reading the title, one could immediately imagine the concept of “Kung Fu Panda”: a big, chubby animal who has to learn martial arts to save the world or something. But fortunately, the movies ended up being something MORE.
Maelstrom (2000)
Dan Stalcup @ The Goods: Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Maelstrom sacrifices some shaggy personality in favor of an over-engineered narrative structure… And yet, in that tangled mess of a script, something of a manifesto emerges from Maelstrom that I suspect may echo through Villeneuve’s filmography.
Polytechnique (2009)
Dan Stalcup @ The Goods: Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Polytechnique is a surface-level exercise of grief and outrage, though it does display a bit more humanism than his earlier works.
Rasputin: The Mad Monk (1966)
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: With only a magnetic performance from Christopher Lee to recommend it, Rasputin: The Mad Monk tells us nothing of the rise and fall of this most notorious of figures.
Tevya (1939)
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: Tevya, released in the extraordinary cinematic year of 1939, shows that Yiddish-language films could more than keep up with the big studios.
Toast (2010)
Dan Stalcup @ The Goods: Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Toast has a visual aesthetic that hearkens back to a time when every indie filmmaker hoped their work to be mistaken for a Wes Anderson joint.