OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
Best of Lists
The 10 Best Movies of 2019
Candice Frederick @ Harper’s Bazaar
The 10 Most Underrated Movie Performances Of 2019
5 Favorites Redux #6: Favorite Christmas Movies
Best Asian Films of 2019
- Excerpt: The very best of Asia in Focus for 2019 including Chinese, Japanese, Hong Kong, South Korean, Taiwanese and Thai cinema.
The Best Films of the 2010s
Alan Mattli @ The Zurich English Student [German]
- Excerpt: This, then, is the ultimate aim of this list, beyond my own personal enjoyment: each entry is an empathetic recommendation, so if you want to catch up on the cinematic gems of the 2010s, this is a good place to start.
The Best Horror Movies of 2019
Candice Frederick @ Harper’s Bazaar
Top Ten Films of 2019
Josh Taylor @ www.forgetfulfilmcritic.com
- Excerpt: I was able to tease out a distinct theme in over half of the movies on my “best of” list this year. The theme is a grandness of scale.
The Aeronauts
- Excerpt: Tom Harper talks chilling his actors, provoking creativity, and the sounds of silence.
- Excerpt: Jay Roach talks hemlines, honesty, and poking the bear.
Awards Coverage
The Friday Face-Off Round One #19
Oscar Preview: Precursor Winners & Losers, Week 5
Oscar Preview: Weekend of Dec. 20-22, 2019
Poll: Remaking Best Production Design, 2016
Video Essays, Video Reviews, Vlogs & More
The Bells of St. Mary’s
- Excerpt: Talk about an old movie that’s the equivalent of a minefield for this reviewer … The potential audience for Leo McCarey’s The Bells of St. Mary’s is split between true believers for whom it walks on water, and other audiences not likely to sit through ten minutes of its old-fashioned drama.
Richard Jewell
The Two Popes
Reviews of Short Films
Bev Questad @ It’s Just Movies
- Excerpt: Nicklas, also known as Woman in the Wild, does a phenomenal job of creating this four-minute visual extravaganza with very cool music, gloriously skillful bikers, and few words.