OFCS members don’t just write film reviews. Here are several articles you might find interesting.
An Interview with Starfish Director Al White
C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: C.H. Newell talks to director Al White about his new film Starfish, as well as grief, nostalgia for cassette tapes, and plenty more.
Festivals: General Coverage
Cannes: Mektoub My Love: Intermezzo: O querido verão de Abdellatif Kechiche
Paulo Portugal @ Insider [Portuguese]
Elia Suleiman perto do céu a fazer-nos navegar pela “palestinização” do mundo
Paulo Portugal @ Insider [Portuguese]
Elia Suleiman perto do céu a fazer-nos navegar pela “palestinização” do mundo
Paulo Portugal @ Insider [Portuguese]
Elia Suleiman perto do céu a fazer-nos navegar pela “palestinização” do mundo
Paulo Portugal @ Insider [Portuguese]
Era uma vez em Cannes: Quentin Tarantino não está nada ‘out of time’
Paulo Portugal @ Insider [Portuguese]
North Music Festival – The Electric Rock of Bastille and Franz Ferdinand Shined Like a Movie Screen on Oporto’s Night
João Pinto @ Portal Cinema [Portuguese]
North Musical Festival – Emir Kusturica and Bush Brought Some Cinematic Influences To Oporto
João Pinto @ Portal Cinema [Portuguese]
Awards Coverage
Oscar Preview: Weekend of May 24-26, 2019
Reviews of Short Films
Dine with the Devil
Betty Jo Tucker @ ReelTalk Movie Reviews
- Excerpt: With a running time of only 29 minutes, DINE WITH THE DEVIL packs quite a wallop!
Other Types of Articles
Blu-ray Review: Criterion’s “One Sings, the Other Doesn’t,” A Fitting Memorial To Agnes Varda
- Excerpt: The director’s 1977 semi-musical ode to the power and pleasures of womanhood is perfectly supported by worthwhile features on the new Blu-ray.
The Friday Face-Off Round Zero – #5
Stomping Through ‘Godzilla’ History: Where to Begin & What to Watch
Aaron Neuwirth @ Firstshowing.net
- Excerpt: I’m here to provide a crash course on the atomic beast, some of the more notable Godzilla films, and other related fun.