Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Marco Albanese @ Stanze di Cinema [Italian]
- Excerpt: E’ un atto di fede nel cinema e nel coraggio delle persone, tanto essenziale e bello, come la rosa rossa lasciata sul cruscotto del taxi.
- Nicholas Bell @ Ioncinema
- Josh Brunsting @ The CriterionCast
- Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat @ Spirituality & Practice
- Excerpt: A cogent and playful documentary about the banned filmmaker’s return to the streets of Teheran.
- [New – 1/7/16] | Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Taxi is certainly the most entertaining of Panahi’s forbidden works, but it is also a rich experience full of human drama, comedy and ideas. The filmmaker has turned civil disobedience into its own genre.
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Excerpt: Iranian censors ban ‘sordid realism’ from all of their films. I am going to assume these frank taxi conversations will qualify as sordid realism because they break a cardinal rule censors despise, they tell the truth.
- Matthew Lucas @ From the Front Row
- Excerpt: Panahi is a master craftsman who continues to make bricks without straw, turning his punishment into some of the most essential cinema of the decade.
- Alan Mattli @ Facing the Bitter Truth [German]
- Excerpt: Leave it to Jafar Panahi to defy Iranian censorship not with a caustic indictment but with a lovely, playful, thoughtful, swiftly subversive, wonderfully entertaining comedy-drama.
- Stefan Pape @ HeyUGuys
- Tiago Ramos @ Split Screen [Portuguese]
- Courtney Small @ Cinema Axis
- Excerpt: Like an outlaw puppeteer Panahi refuses to let anyone break his creative strings.