Here are some reviews of films coming out at the theater this week as well as others that may be in theaters or newly on home video.
Opening: Aug. 26, 2022
Wide (United States)
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Three Thousand Years of Longing
For member reviews of this film, follow this link
Limited (United States)
- Excerpt: The first film in a projected two-part series — the second film was shot at the same time as the first and is due next year — Alienoid is jam-packed with jaw-dropping set pieces, great performances, and enough plot for six movies, let alone two.
Funny Pages
Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: the film’s slam dunk performance comes from Maher, whose broken failure of a man cannot withstand the pressures of Robert’s idolization – he’s a perpetual anxiety attack.
2022 Films In Theaters Now In Select Areas
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Allen Almachar @ The MacGuffin
- Excerpt: Idris Elba fighting a killer lion. That’s it. That’s all. Need I say more?
Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
Sarah Gopaul @ Digital Journal
- Excerpt: Paired with obvious exposition and an overly used hurdle, one of the few things the movie doesn’t fail to do is frustrate its viewers.
- Excerpt: Married and Miserable
Bodies Bodies Bodies
Travis Burgess @ The Sacred Wall
- Excerpt: Bodies Bodies Bodies’ is a clever whodunit with a killer cast
Campo de Sangue
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Depois da estreia de Vierarpad, um documentário baseado nas cartas entre a pintora Maria Helena Vieira da Silva (1908-1992) e o companheiro húngaro Árpád Szenes (1897-1985), eis que chega esta semana às salas Campo de Sangue, um filme com distribuição da Leopardo Filmes, inspirado no romance de estreia de Dulce Maria Cardoso, publicado há precisamente duas décadas, em 2002.
Fogo-Fátuo: Eis os corpos deste querido Verão escaldante
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Fogo-Fátuo é mesmo um filme escaldante. Em suma, um filme de corpos, abertamente erótico que incendiou a Quinzena dos Realizadores, em Cannes. Saboreia-se assim a nostalgia de um amor perdido, neste ‘querido verão’ que atravessa épocas bem diferentes, desde logo iniciando por um provocador 2069.
Freakscene: The Story of Dinosaur Jr.
Gregory Carlson @ southpawfilmworks.net
From the Hood to the Holler
- Excerpt: “Justice is not a destination, it’s a journey”
The Legend of Molly Johnson
- Excerpt: Skillfully weaving in themes of race, gender, abuse, and historic injustice while making each character authentically human, the film calls on us to consider the human strength and the human cost of history.
Me Time
Travis Burgess @ The Sacred Wall
- Excerpt: Me Time’ is Netflix’s attempt at a ‘Grown Ups’ knockoff starring Kevin Hart
Objectos de Luz
Paulo Portugal @ Insider.pt [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: O festival de Locarno recebeu Objectos de Luz, a estreia de Acácio de Almeia (e também da sua companheira de várias décadas Marie Carré) na realização. A presença sublinha precisamente a juventude que se sente no seu olhar. E que reflecte, ainda que se uma forma subliminar, a história de amor deste casal, que se funde com os rostos e uma paixão intemporal pelo cinema.
Spin Me Round
Allen Almachar @ The MacGuffin
- Excerpt: It’s not sharp enough as satire or funny enough as a comedy…We end up wondering what it’s trying to say, if anything at all.
- Excerpt: Brazilian Chainsaw Massacre
Three Minutes: A Lengthening
Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: a reverential and moving forensic study of three minutes of film which spirals off into individual stories and Holocaust history.
El Tiempo Perfido
Dennis Schwartz @ Dennis Schwartz Movie Reviews
- Excerpt: Curious literary documentary.
The Wrath of God
Joao Pinto @ Portal Cinema [Portuguese]