Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat @ Spirituality & Practice
- Excerpt: Powerful crime thriller with fresh insights into grief and how to be a good steward of one’s pain.
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Nguyen Le @ InSession Film
- Excerpt: Sheridan’s work cinematically addresses one of the coldest crimes to have ever been committed (and is still happening) on this star-spangled soil.
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- Excerpt: A taut, cold mystery.
- Simon Miraudo @ Student Edge
- Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: Sheridan isn’t one to pull the wool over his audience’s eyes as much as ensure we know his characters and understand their motivations. He presents authentic evolutionary paths that compel each forward by his/her own volition rather than their creator’s.
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Jon Patridge @ Cinapse