Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Nicholas Bell @ Ioncinema
- Andy Crump @ Movie Mezzanine
- Excerpt: The reliance on tropes makes all of the arterial spray feel rote, predictable, and anything other than fun.
- Travis Hopson @ Punch Drunk Critics
- Excerpt: Turbo Kid’s goofy exterior and odd sense of humor won’t be to everyone’s liking, but this movie wasn’t made for those people, anyway.
- [New – 9/17/15] | Benjamin Kramer @ The Voracious Filmgoer
- Mathieu Li-Goyette @ Panorama-cinéma [French]
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: The best darn cheesy, low-budget ’80s sci-fi flick that wasn’t actually made in that decade.
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- Excerpt: Turbo Kid’ has the makings of a perfect midnight movie, and will be a nostalgic blast in the face for those of us old enough to remember, or at least those who have developed an affinity for, the cheap ‘Mad Max’ knock offs of the early 1980s.
- [New – 9/17/15] | Frank Ochieng @ SF Crowsnest
- Excerpt: …[A] frolicking futuristic fantasy that begs for audiences to reminisce about such off-beat and clichéd guilty pleasures that are so goofy-minded and gory but infectiously high-spirited for one’s disturbed liking.
- Paulo Peralta @ CinEuphoria [Portuguese]
- Sarah Ward @ artsHub