Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- José Arce @ LaButaca.net [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Thriller de sobremesa a mayor gloria de Taylor Lautner, que pasa de hombre lobo a hombre mono a las órdenes del español Daniel Benmayor. El trabajo del cineasta a nivel técnico es lo mejor/único destacable de una propuesta fugaz, muy fugaz.
- Travis Hopson @ Punch Drunk Critics
- Excerpt: Let’s just say there’s barely a trace of an interesting plot to be found.
- [New – 8/28/15] | Frank Ochieng @ SF Crowsnest
- Excerpt: …a vanity vehicle for the ex-Twilight Lothario. The best sell in ‘Tracers’ is indeed Lautner’s kinetic physicality for athletically bouncing around in a synthetic, boneless urban suspense piece.
- João Pinto @ Portal Cinema [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Another terrible film with Taylor Lautner…
- Nuno Reis @ SciFiWorld Portugal [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: É um digno produto para o grande ecrã. Faltou algo mais sólido no argumento para que também no mercado doméstico conseguisse longevidade.
- George Zervopoulos @ www.moviesltd.gr [Greek]