Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Kyle Anderson @ Nerdist
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- David “DC” Bolling @ DC’s Take
- Excerpt: Three Thousand Years of Longing explores George Miller’s sheer ambition with his adult cautionary tale of wishing. But while Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba’s performances were a plus and it’s visually dazzling (mostly), the storytelling approach made it difficult to find any connection.
- Travis Burgess @ The Sacred Wall
- Excerpt: George Miller’s ‘Three Thousand Years of Longing’ is either a mess, a masterpiece, or – more likely – a messy masterpiece
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: doesn’t flow so much as move in fits and starts between talky scenes in bland backgrounds and narrated fantasy, its stars the connective tissue that keeps it afloat.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: This fantasy had all the ingredients to be one of my favorite movies of the summer. Sometimes there is a disparity between ideas and execution.
- [New] | Mark Leeper @ Mark Leeper’s Reviews
- Excerpt: This film is a new story for the “Arabian Nights” told as if it happened in the present, and uses the same structure as the original “Arabian Nights”: stories nested within stories. It is every bit the property of production designer Roger Ford and art directors Nicholas Dare and Sophie Nash, all of whose strengths cover every scene.
- Harrison Martin @ Flixfrog
- Excerpt: Three Thousand Years of Longing would have worked better as small budget anthology than the love story it tried to become.
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: https://aisleseat.com/three-thousand-longing.html
- Josh Thayer @ The Forgetful Film Critic
- Excerpt: Three Thousand Years of Longing is nothing like what I expected George Miller’s follow up to Mad Max: Fury Road would be. It’s a contemplative and melancholic meditation on the power of love.
- Andrew Wyatt @ The Lens