Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Francisco Cangiano @ CineXpress [Spanish]
- Matt Donato @ We Got This Covered
- Excerpt: Thor: Ragnarok may be a better comedy than epic action adventure, but it certainly makes us fall even more in love with the “Cosmic Marvel” universe. Because, you know, “Jeff Goldblum in a golden space robe.”
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Nguyen Le @ InSession Film
- Excerpt: … everyone is having absolute fun bouncing off each other that nearly nothing matters.
- Wesley Lovell @ Cinema Sight
- Simon Miraudo @ Student Edge
- Jared Mobarak @ BuffaloVibe
- Excerpt: Most audiences won’t care. They’ll get caught up in the laughter and absurdity, enjoying the ride without realizing how little is actually happening. If this came out three years ago I probably would have too. But this is now the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s seventeenth film. By no means worthless, it is unfortunately little more than entertaining filler.
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- James Roberts @ Glide Magazine
- Excerpt: This third entry into the Thor sub-franchise is one of the most surprising and delightful films to spawn from the MCU since Iron Man first won our hearts back in 2008. Easily one of the five best films the MCU has produced
- Robert Yaniz Jr. @ Crooked Table