Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: I think Thor: Love and Thunder was not interested in the title character. I think it was interested in making fun of the title character.
- David “DC” Bolling @ The Film Yap
- Excerpt: “Love and Thunder” lets you know he kicks the energy up about ten notches to deliver a Thor adventure crossed a heavy metal concept album come to life, and I don’t just mean the significant usage of the best Guns N’ Roses tracks.
- Travis Burgess @ The Sacred Wall
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: while there are several high points in this follow-up, most notably Russell Crowe’s take on Zeus, a lot of this film’s jokes, like Jane’s quest for a catchphrase, fall flat.
- Sarah Gopaul @ Digital Journal
- Excerpt: In spite of some pretty dark moments and a sullen subplot, the movie retains a sense of humour that, in turn, evens out the tone of the overall picture, which leans more heavily on slapstick and over-the-top occurrences.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Do you love goofy superhero movies and the music of Guns N’ Roses? Well then I have very good news!
- [New] | Wesley Lovell @ Cinema Sight
- James Luxford @
- Excerpt: the visual spectacle fans will be hoping for and, in Portman, another fantastic female hero. However, all the hair metal in the galaxy can’t disguise a franchise that has begun to repeat itself.
- Harrison Martin @ Flixfrog
- Excerpt: Taika Waititi’s Thor: Love and Thunder is a zany mix of Rock ‘n’ Roll, action and emotion with a dash of Rick and Morty! While the pacing starts off rough, and the comedy can be a bit much, by the end it becomes a truly touching story.
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: Turns the MCU into a great big joke.
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- Excerpt: Like a friend who tells an unfunny joke and stares at you awkwardly until you force a laugh.
- Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: They should have simply let James Gunn play with Thor in Guardians 3 and given Jane Foster her own Mighty Thor film so as not to relegate her into footnote status. Thank goodness for Bale. [His] grief’s authenticity proves how superficial the rest is.
- Matt Oakes @ Silver Screen Riot
- Excerpt: ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ is an unnecessary addendum to the titular character’s story, one that tries to hide its lack of narrative prowess underneath colorful sets and costumes and behind Hemsworth impressive god bod.
- James Plath @
- Excerpt: With humor, you never know when you cross the line until you actually step over it.
- Diego Salgado @ SoFilm [Spanish]
- Josh Thayer (formerly Taylor) @ The Forgetful Film Critic
- Excerpt: I had an absolute blast with Thor: Love and Thunder. I lost count of how many times I literally LOLed at any number of the gags Waititi built into his screenplay.