Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Marco Albanese @ Stanze di Cinema [Italian]
- Excerpt: il lavoro di Shyamalan si concentra sulle forme del racconto, sulle linee prospettiche della narrazione in prima persona, sul gioco delle riprese e sulla loro apparente casualità, sui limiti del mockumentary e sulla rappresentazione cinematografica di quel mondo di campagna, fatto di casette di legno con la carta da parati e i seminterrati pieni di muffa e segreti.
- José Arce @ LaButaca.net [Spanish]
- Excerpt: M. Night Shyamalan sigue sin recuperar el norte de su carrera aún volviendo a presupuestos apretados y temáticas que le son afines con este flojo castillo de naipes escaso de ideas y trampas ya vistas. Comedieta chufa, terrorcillo de medio pelo.
- Jason Bailey @ Flavorwire
- Excerpt: A legitimately entertaining and engaging picture that veers unexpectedly yet confidently from horror to black comedy to genuine pathos — in other words, it displays a command of form and tone that has eluded the filmmaker for well over a decade. The result is an object lesson in career rehabilitation; Shyamalan shows an awareness of his missteps, and created a film that allowed him, in many ways, to get back to basics.
- Nicholas Bell @ Ioncinema
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Shyamalan’s apparently taken a much needed step back, rebounding this year, first on television with ‘Wayward Pines’ and now with this low budget horror comedy rigged much like his first hit – when the twist arrives, you won’t believe you didn’t see it coming
- Mark Dujsik @ Mark Reviews Movies
- Excerpt: The movie doesn’t earn our trust, which is really what’s needed for the payoff to work…
- James Jay Edwards @ FilmFracture
- Panagiotis Pete Gkaris @ Movies Ltd.
- Susan Granger @ www.susangranger.com
- Excerpt: Spooky, scary, suspenseful tale – with a stunning twist.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: The good news is that The Visit is M. Night Shyamalan’s best film in a decade. The bad news is that it’s still nothing to write home about.
- Travis Hopson @ Punch Drunk Critics
- Excerpt: The Visit is, easily, Shyamalan’s best film in years, showing the tense, gut-wrenching emotional twists and technical skill that made his early stuff so special.
- [New – 12/31/15] | Blake Howard @ Graffiti With Punctuation
- Excerpt: The twist is that The Visit reminds you that M. Night Shyamalan has a remarkable mind for what frightens us.
- MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: Over the river and through the woods to yet another banal, anticlimactic attempt at storytelling from M. Night Shyamalan. And this time, it’s found-footage.
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Excerpt: Too PG-13 to be terrifying, M. Night Shyamalan gives the audience an unsteady pace with a steady drip of suspense and tension
- Jeremy Kibler @ The Artful Critic
- Excerpt: While it’s not up to scale with “The Sixth Sense,” “Unbreakable,” or “Signs,” “The Visit” is like a twistedly fun fairy tale made with a filmmaker’s childlike glee that will certainly ruin the comfort of going to grandma and grandpa’s house.
- Benjamin Kramer @ The Voracious Filmgoer
- Excerpt: Amusing, scary, admirably strange, and expertly button-pushing, this is Shyamalan at his most crowd-pleasing.
- Kristin Dreyer Kramer @ NightsAndWeekends.com
- Glenn Lovell @ CinemaDope.com
- Excerpt: Brothers Grimm meet reality-TV … The scariest movie since ‘The Conjuring’ … Welcome back to the dark side, M. Night
- Jason McKiernan @ Next Projection
- Excerpt: Would it be damning with faint praise to say that The Visit is Shyamalan’s most tolerable film in over a decade by virtue of the fact that it sheds some of his usual pretense and isn’t entirely dripping in self-importance?
- Jared Mobarak @ BuffaloVibe
- Stefan Pape @ HeyUGuys
- João Pinto @ http://www.portal-cinema.com [Portuguese]
- Kristy Puchko @ Spinoff Online, Pajiba
- Excerpt: With “The Visit,” this spirited filmmaker reminds us of the power he has to thrill an audience , and the fun that can be found in his twisted tales.
- Jerry Roberts @ Armchair Cinema
- Excerpt: Shyamalan’s trademark twist does present itself but it’s not the film’s destination. He wants wind you up more than he wants to arrive at a conclusion and that, we remember, is what made his early films so great. He is also adept at making the horror and the comedy go hand in hand. Much of the comedy is difficult to discuss without spoilers. Again, it’s not the destination, it’s just part of the tapestry.
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: Isn’t the movie that’s going to refurbish Shyamalan’s star–it’s a muddled attempt to meld comedy and horror that doesn’t succeed especially well as either.
- Rob Wallis @ Of All the Film Blogs
- Excerpt: Equal parts auteur and hack, [M. Night Shyamalan’s] output ranges from the sublime — The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable — to the ridiculous — The Happening, The Last Airbender. His latest film, The Visit, is a bit of both.
- Ron Wilkinson @ Monsters and Critics
- Excerpt: No wonder Mom never spoke with her parents
- Andrew Wyatt @ Gateway Cinephile
- Excerpt: In spite of its frequently cheesy horror methods, The Visit boasts Shyamalan’s most thoughtful and intricate script since at least The Village.