Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- [New – 2/12/16] | Tim Brayton @ Antagony & Ecstasy
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Patricio Guzmán, whose latest is a companion piece to his extraordinary last film, “Nostalgia for the Light,” is some kind of cosmic, philosophical, naturalist historian with a keen talent for expressing his deeply humanist, spiritual ideas in cinematic terms.
- Matthew Lucas @ From the Front Row
- Excerpt: An elegy for a forgotten genocide that is arguably one of the most ghastly in the history of the world.
- Alan Mattli @ Facing the Bitter Truth [German]
- Excerpt: Although it partakes in uninhibited romanticisation, Patricio Guzmán’s documentary essay still is still a fascinating example of Herzogian “ecstatic truth” cinema.
- Aaron Pinkston @ Battleship Prentension
- Excerpt: For this tone poem on the deeper cultural meanings of water, Guzmán employs normal practices of scientist talking heads and beautiful nature photography. His greater interests, however, lie in the history of people and the environment, their connections through time.
- Jonathan Richards @ www.jonrichardsplace.com
- Excerpt: The exquisite beauty of Katell Djian’s cinematography, the extraordinary ethnographic photographs of a disappearing people, the heartrending recollections of a handful of surviving Kawésqar elders, and the reflections of a few contemporary poets and oceanographers and philosophers, all work together to weave an enchanting, exhilarating, and profoundly disturbing work of cinematic poetry.