Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Jason Bailey @ Flavorwire
- Excerpt: The problem isn’t that ‘The Night Before’ gets predictably syrupy about Christmas. It’s that the relationships and conflicts at its center are so oddly unengaging.
- Francisco Cangiano @ CineXpress [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Aunque lejos de ser un clásico de Navidad del cine, The Night Before sí es una divertida y alocada comedia navideña, que entretiene y te hará reír bastante.
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Seth Rogen is balls-to-the-wall out-of-his-head here…but the movie’s MVP is Michael Shannon, who as the lads’ high school weed supplier Mr. Green is the intimidating, melancholy, compassionate conduit of ghosts present, future and past.
- David Crow @ Den of Geek
- Excerpt: Thus Seth Rogen’s The Night Before joins the dubiously illustrious ranks of fellow carolers that have sipped judiciously from the eggnog bowl. And I’m relieved to say that while it is hardly a Red Rider Beebee Gun, it isn’t a lump of coal either.
- Jim Dixon @ Examiner.com
- Excerpt: “The Night Before” aspires to the same lofty artistic heights of “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas,” and is hampered only by the minor glitch that they forgot to put jokes in it.
- Mark Dujsik @ Mark Reviews Movies
- Excerpt: There are definitely more misses and incomplete ideas that could have been hits than there are hits here.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Buckle up for a series of scattershot gags and misfires!
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Excerpt: Reminiscent of the recent A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas and most other ‘it all happens in one night’ narratives, The Night Before fails to break any new ground in the comedic sub-genre glorifying the lewd, crude, and disgusting, but for those of us who like to see completely offensive material every now and again, the film checks that box.
- Ben Kendrick @ Screen Rant
- Excerpt: The Night Before manages to be both an irreverent and sincere Christmas movie, sure to be a holiday favorite (albeit a zany one) for years to come.
- Jeremy Kibler @ The Artful Critic
- Excerpt: The Night Before is just too scattershot and not always sharp enough to earn the kind of laughs it wants to smoke up. You want drugs with your magic-in-the-air Christmas spirit? Hit up 2011’s “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas.”
- Dan Lybarger @ ArkansasOnline.com
- Excerpt: While Levine and his partners in crime come up with their share of illicit delights, there’s not enough story to counterbalance the potentially dangerous or regrettable fun.
- [New – 12/10/15] | Jason McKiernan @ Film Racket
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- Simon Miraudo @ Student Edge
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Excerpt: Not a creature was stirring…
- Stefan Pape @ HeyUGuys
- Kristy Puchko @ Pajiba, Comic Book Resources
- Excerpt: “The Night Before” is a mixed bag. It’s chock-full of holiday cheer, fun performances and cheeky allusions, and it’s blissfully free of cynicism. But it’s a bit of a mess, with a clunky pace, muddled plot and thinly sketched trifecta of heroes.
- [New – 12/10/15] | Diego Salgado @ Guía del Ocio [Spanish]
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: A mishmash that almost never earns a laugh or even a smile, but isn’t particularly touching or insightful either.