Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: As Rick, Gallagher does particularly fine work here, his sister’s model for success’s outward happiness clearly layered upon shaky ground.
- James Jay Edwards @ FilmFracture
- [New] | MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: Like a black comedy from a dystopia, except the dystopia is real and we are living in it. Chloë Grace Moretz is better than ever as a teen who discovers she may not be able to pray her gay away.
- Simon Miraudo @ Student Edge
- Excerpt: The Miseducation of Cameron Post explores insidious acts of cruelty with incredible compassion (and a spiky sense of humour).
- Jared Mobarak @ BuffaloVibe
- Excerpt: Akhavan isn’t trying to supply answers—just present the hypocrisy to let us find our own. Sometimes the institutions we lean on most are irrevocably flawed.