Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Excerpt: I imagine The Grinch will entertain really small children who will like the bright colors, the funny characters and sight gags. I think for the rest of us, it might be mildly amusing but not something to see on repeat the way the Boris Karloff version will be.
- [New] | Vadim Grigoriev @ kinoblog.com [Ukrainian]
- MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: Candy-colored slapstick and kindergarten-level humor make this perfectly suitable for small children, and perfectly bland and inoffensive to the adults accompanying them. Somehow, I don’t think Dr. Seuss would entirely approve.
- Eddie Pasa @ DC Filmdom
- Excerpt: For the 86 minutes of THE GRINCH, we’re given a place where the good are good without reservation, the bad can change, and hearts are warmed by compassion.