Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Caio Bogoni @ Cine Grandiose [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: Despite emo-gothic Bruce Wayne, Matt Reeves delivers a fine detective Batman.
- David “DC” Bolling @ DC’s Take
- Excerpt: Reeves tackled a different and grounded approach to fit this character, and it makes for one thrilling standalone film fans will enjoy. Maybe a tad too long, but you’re going to fall for Pattinson, Kravitz, and Dano’s respective performances.
- Luke Bonanno @ DVDizzy.com
- Excerpt: Although it spares us the umpteenth direct dramatization of the murder that orphaned young Bruce Wayne and planted the seeds of vigilantism inside him, it spares us of very little else, subjecting us to nearly three hours of relentless darkness and brooding.
- Travis Burgess @ The Sacred Wall
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: It seems we get the Batman movie for our times… And so now, in 2022, we get the darkest Batman yet, one that pictures a Gotham City so drenched in corruption, Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) finds himself looking into his own family history.
- Herman Dhaliwal @ Cinema Sanctum
- Excerpt: The Batman bites of way more than it can chew; it pulls its punches at nearly every turn. There’s a lot I like and appreciate about it, but it ultimately did very little for me.
- Candice Frederick @ HuffPost
- Sarah Gopaul @ Digital Journal
- Excerpt: The Batman’ is a darkly satisfying portrayal of the masked crime-fighter and a refreshing interpretation better aligned with ‘Brightburn’ than anything produced by Zack Snyder.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: This interpretation leans heavily into the idea that Bruce Wayne is first and foremost a detective.
- MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: No snark, no spandex pantomime spectacle. Just noir mystery, Pattinson’s sad recluse a detective in a cesspit of corruption. Relentlessly grim, all darkness and despair, not escapist but of our time.
- Jeremy Kibler @ The Artful Critic
- Excerpt: The Batman feels like a vital, adult-minded reinvention that can exist on its own. It’s quite a marvel.
- [New] | Wesley Lovell @ Cinema Sight
- James Luxford @ City AM
- Sarah Marrs @ Laineygossip.com
- Excerpt: No superhero film has ever done gods and monsters as well as The Batman, yet for all the grandiosity of staging and performance, The Batman is a relatively grounded tale about grief and revenge.
- Harrison Martin @ Flixfrog
- Excerpt: The Batman is a gritty noir detective film that feels eerily similar, yet completely different than previous iterations of the character. With amazing visuals and a great score, it’s hard not to want this franchise to continue!
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: Has a strong artistic vision that’s worth seeing for fans of the Dark Knight. The movie is not a home run, though.
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- Excerpt: If Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight movies were a tad too upbeat, festive, short, and well-lit for you, don’t worry The Batman is here to rectify all that.
- Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: Reeves takes inspiration from numerous comic storylines, mixing and matching to concoct an elaborate tapestry that overflows with iconic characters in differing stages of repute. While not as emotive as [his] Apes films, the blockbuster spectacle remain.
- Eddie Pasa @ Gunaxin
- Joao Pinto @ Portal Cinema [Portuguese]
- Excerpt: It’s good….and that is suprising!
- Diego Salgado @ SoFilm [Spanish]
- Josh Thayer (formerly Taylor) @ The Forgetful Film Critic
- Excerpt: Matt Reeves has created the most complex Batman film yet. It disturbed me, but like all challenging pieces of cinema, I couldn’t stop thinking about it after it was over.
- Sebastian Zavala @ Me Gusta El Cine [Spanish]
- Excerpt: The Batman is a crime film, influenced by film noir and police procedurals. It feels unique, and it manages to differentiate itself from the comic book movies that are usually released in theatres every month.