Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: The screenplay has the feel of something patched together at points and the newer ideas…are far more compelling than the original thriller material. Matt Damon’s committed performance…goes a long way toward smoothing out rougher edges.
- [New] | James Jay Edwards @ The Big Smoke America
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: This drama tries to be a lot of things, but it’s best appreciated a good character study.
- Nell Minow @ Moviemom.com
- Excerpt: Even the best of intentions from the most talented people can sometimes go haywire, and “Stillwater” is a good example of a bad movie despite its sincerity and the powerful gifts of the people behind it.
- Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: So much of what’s put on-screen is similarly one step away from greatness before losing its balance and falling backwards towards disappointment.
- Diego Salgado @ SoFilm [Spanish]