Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- David “DC” Bolling @ DC’s Take
- Excerpt: All the power and responsibility comes down to director Jon Watts and his writers to present its fans with a satisfying installment that’ll be the most fan service thing in the history of geek culture. It was a lot to process, but I couldn’t believe how much I love this sequel that’s hands down one of the best comic book movies of the entire year.
- Andrea Chase @ KillerMovieReviews.com
- Excerpt: A visual spectacle that doesn’t stint on the excesses of CGI, while never forgetting that the way to engage an audience is to make it care about the protagonists.
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: …writers Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers apparently looked to the “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” animation for inspiration, their trilogy capper not only veering into the MCU, but encompassing all things Spider-Man since Sam Raimi’s 2002 film.
- Herman Dhaliwal @ Cinema Sanctum
- James Jay Edwards @ The Big Smoke America
- Sarah Gopaul @ Digital Journal
- Excerpt: This is a very full film with a lot to take in, but the pace’s ebb and flow allows viewers just enough time to digest before the next big development.
- Richard Gray @ The Reel Bits
- Excerpt: Spider-Man completes his first trilogy tour within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If this is where they part ways, then they are determined to go out on a joyful bang.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: It’s an enjoyable flick that will delight longtime fans of the franchise. Nostalgia is a superficial pleasure, but a genuine one.
- Harrison Martin @ Flixfrog
- Excerpt: SpiderMan: No Way Home is a top tier MCU film! This film is extraepic, full of surprises, and worth watching on the biggest screen possible…
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: It nicely pays off the investment viewers have made in this version of Peter Parker, and in the notion of a cinematic Spider-Man in general.
- Nell Minow @ Moviemom
- Excerpt: “Spider-Man: No Way Home” is everything a comic book movie should be, filled with excitement, heart, humor, and details to delight the fans. There were audible gasps of joy and more than a few tears in the audience when I saw it, and some of them were mine.
- Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: The heart and drama that made Homecoming and Far From Home so good is replaced by a script hitting carefully crafted “a-ha” moments that feel more “Martha” than “I love you 3,000.” And that’s fine. This film is fine. But I worry about what’s next.
- Matt Oakes @ Silver Screen Riot
- Excerpt: A legacy sequel that overdelivers on its promise to wrangle the three generations of Spider-Man together, ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ is essentially a live-action Spider-Verse film that, while juggling a ton of balls, manages to be the best superhero movie in some time.
- Eddie Pasa @ Gunaxin
- [New] | James Plath @ Family Home Theater
- Christopher Reed @ Film Festival Today
- Excerpt: These are the myths of our time, and from the Gods’ struggles we mere mortals learn valuable lessons, while also having a great, rollicking good time. Ready, aim, swing!
- Diego Salgado @ SoFilm [Spanish]
- Sebastian Zavala @ MeGustaElCine.com [Spanish]
- Excerpt: It is absolutely EVERYTHING we fans expected; a moving film full of action, fanservice, and extremely satisfying moments.