Reviews for this film from our members:
- [New – 1/9/14] | Dragan Antulov @ Draxblog VI [Croatian]
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Cafe Texan
- Jim Dixon @
- Excerpt: “R.I.P.D.” rips off “Men in Black” and “Ghostbusters” while managing to muster the energy or entertainment value of neither. This is a movie that pretty much rolls over and plays dead from the get-go.
- M. Enois Duarte @ High-Def
- Excerpt: Producers probably should have left the idea to rest in peace rather than give it life in a production that’s greatly lacking. It’s a bizarre but admittedly imaginative blend of ‘Ghostbusters’ meets ‘Men in Black’ with heavy dabs of the supernatural, dashes of the western and a pinch of sci-fi, a blend that ultimately falls flat.
- Vadym Grygoriev @ [Ukrainian]
- Blake Howard @ Graffiti With Punctuation
- Excerpt: R.I.P.D is the film adaption of a small Dark Horse comic property, which at face value is Men In Black with ghosts. It may look like something that you’ve seen before (and you kind of have) but with deft direction, the primal allure of redemption and lightning pace; prepare for a surprisingly entertaining ride.
- Jeremy Kibler @ The Artful Critic
- Excerpt: Nothing crummy, but “R.I.P.D.” comes and goes as one of those movies that you’ll forget ever existed.
- Benjamin Kramer @ The Voracious Filmgoer
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Jason Pirodsky @
- Excerpt: There may be nothing new going on here, but Bridges helps to keep things interesting and R.I.P.D. somehow manages not to wear out its welcome.
- Jerry Roberts @ Armchair Cinema
- Excerpt: R.I.P.D. is a B.O.R.E.
- Diego Salgado @ Miradas de Cine [Spanish]