Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- José Arce @ LaButaca.net [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Era complicado, de entrada, que un remake de “Le llaman Bodhi” resultara atractivo, sin hablar ya de sus posibles resultados artísticos. Por desgracia el remedo se confirma como un castañazo que celebra el postureo de sus muñecos protagonistas. Un estético churro.
- Tim Brayton @ Antagony & Ecstasy
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: while we’re treated to incredible stunts accomplished by the likes of surfer Laird Hamilton, free climber Chris Sharma and an impressive team of wing fliers…the movie supporting these spectacles has a weak foundation in Kurt Wimmer’s (2012’s “Total Recall”) dramatically uninvolving script.
- Jim Dixon @ Examiner.com
- Excerpt: The plot lurches clumsily from action set piece to action set piece, where some genuinely fine stuntwork is actually undercut by intrusive directing and a very poor quality 3D post-conversion.
- Hugo Gomes @ Cinematograficamente Falando … [Portuguese]
- Susan Granger @ www.susangranger.com
- Excerpt: Another disappointing, pointless remake of the 1991 cult thriller…
- Ben Kendrick @ Screen Rant
- Excerpt: Bigger set pieces do not make for a better Point Break, and Core fails to improve upon the original film in any meaningful way.
- Kristin Dreyer Kramer @ NightsAndWeekends.com
- James Marsh @ Screen International
- Excerpt: 24 years after Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze took to the waves in Kathryn Bigelow’s adrenaline-fuelled action thriller, Ericson Core revisits the story of a young FBI agent working undercover in a gang of extreme sports criminals. Thanks to co-financing from DMG Entertainment, Point Break opens in China and Hong Kong this weekend, three weeks ahead of its US debut. Featuring a number of impressive action set pieces, it could pull big numbers in the world’s second biggest film market, where the similarly-themed Fast & Furious 7 scored an unprecedented US$390 million earlier this year. However, fans of the original will mourn the lack of memorable characters, quotable dialogue and the now-legendary central bromance.
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- Excerpt: Point Break is a joyless retread that misses the point and doesn’t understand why people still love the weirdness and idiosyncrasies of the original.
- Jared Mobarak @ The Film Stage
- Excerpt: It’s fifteen years too late to really grab the extreme sport enthusiasts who would rather stream real people doing these stunts online than pay ten bucks for Hollywood’s quick-cut pastiche and it forgets that the over-the-top forbidden bromance between white hat and black worked through its cornball comedy. As a drama it’s merely overwrought and unnecessary.
- [New – 2/5/16] | Stefan Pape @ HeyUGuys
- Jason Pirodsky @ Expats.cz
- Excerpt: There is, however, some great footage of real-life stuntwork throughout the film: those are real people jumping off cliffs and snowboarding down dangerous slopes and flying through the air in wingsuits. One only wishes their efforts were put to use in a better film.
- Diego Salgado @ Guía del Ocio [Spanish]
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: completely loses the cheerfully loony tone of the original, replacing it with dutiful action-movie dourness. And while the big set-pieces are expertly staged and shot, even they don’t generate the sense of gleeful abandon they’re obviously meant to.