Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Francisco Cangiano @ CineXpress [Spanish]
- Andrea Chase @ KillerMovieReviews.com
- Excerpt: A frothy caper film long on glamor, short on logic, and replete with guilty pleasure
- Herman Dhaliwal @ Cinema Sanctum
- Excerpt: It’s really straightforward stuff, most of it bordering on the unsubstantial, but it honestly doesn’t matter. The joy of the film comes from seeing a talented female ensemble work together and pull off a crazy heist with extra emphasis on creative character beats and banter.
- Matt Donato @ Flickering Myth
- Excerpt: Blueprints are followed, stances powerful, but even name recognition can’t lift the tonal ambiguity of this crime caper without zest or flamboyance (minus Daniel Pemberton’s hop, skip and bass jumpin’ score).
- James Jay Edwards @ FilmFracture
- Vadim Grigoriev @ kinoblog.com [Ukrainian]
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Ocean’s 8 is free-spirited fun, has ample charisma from an impressive cast and you’ll have a chuckle or two before it’s all over.
- MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: Breezy fun that sticks a shiv into Hollywood’s — and the larger culture’s — disdain for women. Wonderfully subtle comic performances from a great cast having a ball make for a perfectly suitable light diversion from the world right now.
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Nguyen Le @ InSession Film
- Excerpt: Everyone in Ocean’s 8 aims to impress … and “with zest” plus “with gloss” are the aptest descriptors for how that job went down.
- Simon Miraudo @ Student Edge
- Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: Bullock, Blanchett, and the rest fit into [the] same blueprint with ease, the rushed nature of their final act the only glaring misstep as convenience appears to usurp smarts. But we can look past it in the end and enjoy what becomes an introduction to women who now have a rapport to better utilize in a follow-up.
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Frank Ochieng @ The Critical Critics
- Excerpt: Bullock’s Ocean and her on-screen cohorts collectively seem to have a bouncy blast, but the summertime showcase does not offer much in the way of originality…can only muster up a spotty heist blockbuster that can’t creatively match the shine of the diamond necklace Debbie Ocean and her sticky finger associates want to abscond so strategically.
- [New] | Michael Reuben @ Blu-ray.com
- Excerpt: Ocean’s 8 is a worthy addition to the franchise, with a refreshing and often unexpected take on a series that most would have said was thoroughly exhausted.
- Amir Siregar @ Amir at the Movies [Indonesian]
- Excerpt: Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway and Co.’s delightful performances cannot make up for Gary Ross’ super dull direction.