Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Marco Albanese @ Stanze di Cinema [Italian]
- Excerpt: Della prorompente Rebecca Ferguson abbiamo già detto: la grazia di una ballerina e la forza di una combattente si sposano alla perfezione, in un personaggio femminile per una volta vero, non di puro ornamento, che ci aspettiamo di ritrovare di nuovo anche nel già annunciato sesto capitolo.
- José Arce @ LaButaca.net [Spanish]
- Excerpt: La quinta entrega de la saga funciona perfectamente como entretenimiento mainstream, anclando aún más los pilares de su esencia: espectáculo y rigor formal + espíritu añejo y fiel a sus orígenes televisivos. Ethan Hunt es lo más.
- Jason Bailey @ Flavorwire
- Excerpt: First-rate popcorn, a meticulously devised and elegantly executed spy movie that manages to thrill with its stunts, jangle with its set pieces, land a laugh or two, and not insult our intelligence. It took them a while to figure out exactly what the hell ‘Mission: Impossible’ was, but with movie numero cinco, it’s become clear: it’s the best spy series this side of Bond.
- Steve Biodrowski @ Hollywood Gothique
- Excerpt: Fuses the two elements of most Tom Cruise movies: (1) Tom Cruise is awesome; (2) Tom Cruise is not appreciated enough for how awesome he is.
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: …this film belongs to Swedish actress Rebecca Ferguson as undercover British Intelligence agent Ilsa Faust, whose career is sure to get a serious boost after her fearless performance here.
- Tony Dayoub @ Cinema Viewfinder
- Excerpt: So rather than stay close to its espionage roots as the more satisfying first and third chapters of the series have, or at least blend the action and intrigue more naturally as the previous GHOST PROTOCOL did, ROGUE NATION goes full-on John Woo and mythologizes Ethan Hunt (and by extension, Tom Cruise) just like in the clunky MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE II.
- Jim Dixon @ Examiner.com
- Mark Dujsik @ Mark Reviews Movies
- Excerpt: What’s most impressive, perhaps, is that, somehow and beyond all traditional reasoning, this series doesn’t seem to be running out of steam.
- Hugo Gomes @ http://cinematograficamentefalando.blogs.sapo.pt/everest-2015-1662663 [Portuguese]
- Susan Granger @ www.susangranger.com
- Excerpt: Thrill-ride fun – the most exciting action-adventure of the summer…
- Vadym Grygoriev @ kinoblog.com [Ukrainian]
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: These Mission: Impossible flicks just seem to keep getting better and more focused.
- MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: Works for your appreciation with gasp-inducing action sequences and an ethos that has fun with its legacy while moving in a new direction.
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Excerpt: Supplies our spy thriller drug of choice – mind-blowing stunts and action sequences – but they are delicious icing on a more than complacent vanilla cake.
- Jeremy Kibler @ The Artful Critic
- Excerpt: It’s not possible but definite that audiences searching for nothing more than thrilling popcorn entertainment will get their money’s worth in two-plus hours’ time.
- [New – 11/12/15] | Greg Klymkiw @ The Film Corner
- Excerpt: Rogue Nation is easily the best-directed MI picture since Brian DePalma’s dazzling inaugural entry in the series during the summer of 1996. McQuarrie handles virtually every action set piece with the skill and bravura of a master.
- Oktay Kozak @ Oregon Herald
- Benjamin Kramer @ The Voracious Filmgoer
- Kristen Lopez @ Awards Circuit
- Wesley Lovell @ Cinema Sight
- Excerpt: There’s something utterly enthralling about the world of covert affairs. Spy thrillers are exciting, ambitious and entertaining when properly prepared. Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation shows that the production team behind it know how to create an engaging, dynamic film without sacrificing its complex plot and dense theatrics.
- Dan Lybarger @ http://www.efilmcritic.com/review.php?movie=27488&reviewer=382
- Excerpt: The appeal of the Mission: Impossible movies lies in the title. Viewers know that the laws of physics have been made optional and that gadgets James Bond would envy have been made readily available. Because it’s not ‘Mission: Vaguely Plausible,’ the success of one of these films depends on how outlandish the filmmakers make Tom Cruise’s exploits. If the adventure is as spectacular and silly as Scientology’s Xenu origin story, the movie is guaranteed to be fun.
- Marty Mapes @ Movie Habit
- Excerpt: Martial arts and a sense of levity balance the many tense action scenes
- James Marsh @ The Society For Film
- Excerpt: Tom Cruise recruits his Jack Reacher collaborator Chris McQuarrie to helm the fifth instalment of his death-defying spy saga, which this time sees Ethan Hunt and his loyal team of IMF agents scour the globe for an elusive rival organisation perhaps even more covert and dangerous than they are. The results are typically spectacular, with audacious stunts, exotic locations, international intrigue and plentiful humour all somehow finding time to shine, while McQuarrie manages to steer the series away from the outlandishness of Brad Bird’s Ghost Protocol towards something more grounded in the kind of noirish reality in which spy thrillers used to lurk.
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- Excerpt: Is ‘Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation’ the best action movie of the summer? No, but it’s not far off.
- Ross Miller @ Thoughts On Film
- Excerpt: Tries to takes things to another level with every fibre of its being. The result is a blockbuster that’s thoroughly entertaining, delivering an inventive mix of action set-pieces to rival the best of ‘em.
- Simon Miraudo @ Student Edge
- Jared Mobarak @ BuffaloVibe
- Frank Ochieng @ SF Crowsnest
- Excerpt: Notoriously slick, ambitious, wildly impish and vastly intriguing, ‘Rogue Nation’ incorporates superb direction, writing and, of course, its no-nonsense dosage of non-stop shenanigans to fuel the audience’s escapist palates.
- Jason Pirodsky @ Expats.cz
- Excerpt: Crackerjack stuff: Rogue Nation is the best film in the franchise since the original Mission back in 1996. Sleek and tight (despite a 132-minute running time), with level-headed, no-nonsense scripting and direction from Christopher McQuarrie, you won’t find a better summer blockbuster this side of Mad Max.
- Kristy Puchko @ Comic Book Resources
- Excerpt: “Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation,” the megastar has finally found a partner who could carry the franchise’s mantle — if he ever dares to retire.
- Nuno Reis @ SciFiWorld Portugal [Portuguese]
- Jerry Roberts @ Armchair Cinema
- Excerpt: On the whole, this movie is just plain fun. Is it preposterous? Yes. Is it too long? Yes. But you don’t mind because the movie gets the job done. It’s a step above the usual fare of this type. You remember the action. You remember the characters. But you don’t care anything about the plot. It’s a fun ride, better than the average, but it accomplishes it’s mission.
- Marcio Sallem @ Em Cartaz [Portuguese]
- Cole Smithey @ ColeSmithey.com
- Excerpt: [VIDEO ESSAY] Tested by a inane MacGuffin that would make anyone who’s ever heard of WikiLeaks burst out laughing, an anti-heroine (named Ilsa Faust) whose allegiances are tediously ambiguous, and an overlong running time that wears out its stunt-filled welcome, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation is a total bust.
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: Goes on too long…but is still expertly mounted, enjoyably old-fashioned, action-packed cloak-and-dagger hokum.
- Sarah Ward @ Concrete Playground
- Ron Wilkinson @ Monsters and Critics
- Excerpt: All the gadgetry and double the action fall short. But the pure charm of the movie saves the day.
- Andrew Wyatt @ St. Louis Magazine
- Excerpt: Viewers will find that Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation more than lives up to the standards of the franchise, which has become Hollywood’s most reliable font of extravagant cloak-and-dagger adventure.