Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- [New – 12/31/15] | José Arce @ LaButaca.net [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Contundente, onírica y visceral nueva adaptación de la obra inmortal de William Shakespeare muy lúcida técnicamente y estupendamente defendida por Michael Fassbender y Marion Cotillard. Bienvenidos al infierno de la ambición desmedida; disfrutad… si podéis.
- Jason Bailey @ Flavorwire
- Excerpt: Australian auteur Kurzel reimagines the Scottish play as Shakespeare by way of ‘Braveheart,’ supplementing the text with blood-and-mud battles and full-throated, earthy performances by Fassbender and Cotillard. It’s a brisk, haunting adaptation, owing more than a little of its aesthetic to Polanski’s foggy take, but delving deeper into its protagonist’s hallucinations, waking nightmares, and ultimately, his madness.
- Chris Barsanti @ Film Journal International
- Excerpt: A raw, muddy and appropriately blood-spattered take on the Scottish Play that sees a muted Michael Fassbender upstaged by Marion Cotillard’s grief-stricken Lady Macbeth.
- David Bax @ Battleship Pretension
- Excerpt: With its grim, violent beauty and it’s otherworldly framing and sound design, it’s more of a tone poem. The problem is, it’s not a very deep one.
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Jed Kurzel’s (“The Babadook”) edgy, discordant violin score presages the events that will turn the noble Macbeth into traitorous tyrant.
- Mark Dujsik @ Mark Reviews Movies
- Excerpt: Macbeth is the cinematic equivalent of an actor attempting to convey an understanding of a Shakespeare soliloquy by reciting it as quickly as possible.
- Courtney Howard @ SassyMamaInLA.com
- Excerpt: Though I wanted desperately to lead the “all hail Macbeth” charge, this production is somewhat full of scorpions.
- Allyson Johnson @ TheYoungFolks.com
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Excerpt: If you are already adept at Shakespeare and especially familiar with Macbeth, this new way of looking at the Scottish social climber is for you. If you sort of saw Mel Gibson’s Hamlet once and slept through your Midsummer Night’s Dream seminar, you will feel the pain.
- Steve Katz @ The Alpha Primitive
- Excerpt: This is a year that has been marked by a bounty of beautiful cinematography, from the chaos of Mad Max: Fury Road to the painterly splendor of The Assassin or Youth to the period nostalgia haze of Carol, and audiences would do well not to leave Macbeth out of the conversation.
- Benjamin Kramer @ The Voracious Filmgoer
- Daniel Lackey @ The Nightmare Gallery
- Excerpt: Director Justin Kurzel conceives this adaptation of the Scottish Play mostly as part war movie, part bloody thriller.
- Alan Mattli @ The Zurich English Student
- Excerpt: Apart from Kurzel’s impeccable sense of direction and aesthetics, it is Fassbender’s quiet, controlled performance that assures this Macbeth‘s lasting impression.
- Matthew McKernan @ FilmWhinge
- Excerpt: There isn’t much that really works with this new Macbeth.
- Brent McKnight @ Cinema Blend
- Excerpt: Macbeth is a breathtaking, and “bloody, bold, and resolute” movie.
- Simon Miraudo @ Student Edge
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Excerpt: All hail Macbeth…
- Pat Mullen @ Cinemablographer
- Excerpt: Life’s But a Walking Shadow…’
- Jason Pirodsky @ Expats.cz
- Excerpt: There’s a lot to admire in this new Macbeth. If it doesn’t best the Welles or Polanski versions, it comes awfully close.
- Rob Wallis @ The Metropolist
- Excerpt: A Macbeth that lacks not only significance but also the sound and fury that might provide a truly memorable addition to the canon.
- Andrew Wyatt @ St. Louis Magazine
- Excerpt: This is a cold, mournful Macbeth, but it is also surprisingly bracing cinema.