Reviews for this film from our members:
- [New – 1/28/16] | Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Cafe Texan
- Excerpt: The real good thing about Love & Mercy is that despite the fact you have two movies, both work and make a pretty cohesive whole.
- Jason Bailey @ Flavorwire
- Excerpt: What an efficient way this is to tell Wilson’s story — it focuses on (arguably) the two most interesting periods of his life, and dispenses with the filler bullshit (I’m shuddering to think of the inevitable Wilson-family living room “We should be a real band!” scene) that would come between them, and ultimately take screen time and psychological depth from them.
- Robert Cashill @ Popdose
- Excerpt: Review of the Brian Wilson biopic.
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Using two actors to portray an artist at his creative peak and the wreckage left behind was an inspired idea, and the script…shuttles between these two eras, the 60’s foreshadowing the ruinous 80’s, which, in turn, informs the former’s artistic stimuli.
- Edwin Davies @ A Mighty Fine Blog
- Excerpt: The biopic genre is so weighed down by so many mediocre attempts to recreate well-trodden stories that when a film like Love & Mercy comes along, it’s enough to make you angry. You come away thinking “Why did they get it so right when everyone else gets it wrong?”
- Mark Dujsik @ Mark Reviews Movies
- Excerpt: Love & Mercy gets right to the heart of Wilson’s story—the sad but uplifting tale of a man who needed some help to fight to get out of bed.
- James Jay Edwards @ FilmFracture
- Hugo Gomes @ Cinematograficamente Falando … [Portuguese]
- Susan Granger @ www.susangranger.com
- Excerpt: Uneven and sanitized, it’s obvious that this discordant, yet deferential biopic was made with the complete cooperation of Brian and Melinda Wilson.
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Love & Mercy effectively depicts the hidden torment behind some of the 60s most uplifting music. Thankfully it’s not all misery.
- Kristen Lopez @ Cinema Sentries
- Dan Lybarger @ KCActive.com
- Excerpt: Beach Boys mastermind Brian Wilson’s life and music are so intricately and delicately constructed that a conventional biopic wouldn’t do them justice.
- Marty Mapes @ Movie Habit
- Excerpt: Cusack opens up as a damaged Brian Wilson
- Jared Mobarak @ Jared Mobarak Reviews
- Excerpt: No matter how effective Cusack is at later-years Wilson, though, Dano possesses Brian’s indescribable spark of genius himself. To see him is to see Wilson: all the joy built from a pain that often proved too much to bear.
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Excerpt: Where there’s a Wil(son)…
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: An exceptional musical biography featuring not one but two exemplary lead performances.
- Sarah Ward @ Concrete Playground