Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- David “DC” Bolling @ DC’s Take
- Excerpt: For those seeking a more tense experience, not everything leads to a flawless thriller. However, its premise and outstanding performances effectively capture a considerable bit of suspense, and I was happy to leave one of his movies having a good time and not feeling let down for once.
- Andrea Chase @ KillerMovieReviews.com
- Excerpt: The mood remains tense, the camera angles unpredictable and secretive, but the air is disarmingly quiet even during the worst violence. This is a story about perception, and it stays there without histrionics and spares us the spectacle of CGI for its own sake.
- Candice Frederick @ HuffPost
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Director M. Night Shyamalan presents a troubling moral conundrum.
- [New] | MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: There is only one thing worse than an M. Night Shyamalan movie with a twist ending. And that is one without a twist ending. Feels like a faith-based movie trying to sneak in under a disingenuous wire.
- Harrison Martin @ Flixfrog
- Excerpt: Although Knock at the Cabin is a well-acted and well-directed piece of work, the story is pretty bland not going far beyond what was shown in the trailer. Also, the trademark Shyamalan twist is unfortunately missing.
- Mike McGranaghan @ The Aisle Seat
- Excerpt: As far as I’m concerned, this is his best film since The Sixth Sense.
- Jared Mobarak @ Hey, have you seen …?
- Excerpt: The performances that Shyamalan coaxes out of his cast are extraordinary. And not just that of Bautista who has rightfully earned the majority of praise due to a career-best turn.
- Eddie Pasa @ DC Filmdom
- Andrew Wyatt @ The Take-Up