Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Marco Albanese @ Stanze di Cinema [Italian]
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Don’t go into “Jojo Rabbit” expecting a side splitting comedy à la Mel Brooks. Waititi’s film is a gentler thing and Scarlett Johansson’s performance embodies his message.
- Karl Delossantos @ Smash Cut Reviews
- Excerpt: Jojo Rabbit lacks a real hop in its step to be truly great, but director Taika Waititi’s comedic sensibilities are enough to make it an enjoyable crowdpleaser.
- James Jay Edwards @ FilmFracture
- Candice Frederick @ Elle
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: You wouldn’t think a comedy about a pro-Nazi boy that looks upon Adolph Hitler as a hero would be one of the most heartwarming movies of the year, but here we are.
- Charlie Juhl @ Citizen Charlie
- Excerpt: Director Taika Waititi sees warning signs, and in the shadow of Charlie Chaplin and the Marx Brothers, confronts the uncomfortable and malign with humor, winks, and farce. Jojo Rabbit is a remarkable achievement of wit and wariness – truly one of the best films of the year.
- Mark Leeper @ Mark Leeper’s Reviews
- Excerpt: Near the end of WWII a ten-year-old German boy who idolizes the German military finds he has to make some hard choices. While the film usually has high spirits, there are times when the viewer will not find the story a happy one.
- [New] | Wesley Lovell @ Cinema Sight
- Excerpt: As World War II and the Holocaust that resulted fades farther and farther into history, “Jojo Rabbit” attempts to keep that history in perspective for new generations who must be reminded of the dangers of fascism or risk allowing another such atrocity to occur.
- Simon Miraudo @ Student Edge
- Excerpt: As Lizzo once opined, “blame it on the juice,” and that’s precisely what I’m doing with Jojo Rabbit.
- Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: [It] ultimately finds itself growing very heavy while approaching its climax. Waititi does well to make certain this shift [from irreverence] doesn’t arrive out of nowhere.
- Aaron Neuwirth @ We Live Entertainment
- Excerpt: Jojo Rabbit is a real joy of a film.
- Matt Oakes @
- Excerpt: The very prospect of a Nazi satire is risky business but Taika Waititi pulls it off like a pro, guiding a great cast and more-than-meets-the-eye characters to a heartfelt, deeply funny, and meaningful conclusion.
- Frank Ochieng @ The Critical Movie Critics
- Excerpt: Bold, offbeat and borderline blasphemous in its sardonic wit, Jojo Rabbit is at times uneven in its edgy humor, but still manages to pull off its fair share of mixing the absurdity with observational amusement.
- Jon Partridge @ Cinapse
- Excerpt: A silly, sincere, bleak, and surprisingly wistful tale where love trumps hate in a tug of war over the soul of a young boy.
- João Pinto @ Portal Cinema [Portuguese]
- Don Shanahan @ Every Movie Has a Lesson
- Excerpt: Gusto meets gravitas in one of the most oddly poetic and beautifully brazen movies you may ever see.
- Josh Taylor @ www.forgetfulfilmcritic.com
- Excerpt: Leave it to the comedic genius behind movies like What We Do in the Shadows and Thor: Ragnarok to give us a Wes Anderson movie with Adolf Hitler as a supporting character. Only Waititi would present Nazi rally footage as a Beatles concert – complete with shrieking girls and the Fab Four’s own German-lyrics version of I Want to Hold Your Hand on the soundtrack.