Reviews for this film from our members:
- José Arce @ LaButaca.net [Spanish]
- Excerpt: Aburrido tercer capítulo de la franquicia fantasmagórica que no innova a nivel formal, narrativo, argumental o situacional. Más que desgaste, la saga que ahora comanda Leigh Whannell presenta un tremendo estancamiento a todos los niveles.
- Nicholas Bell @ Ioncinema
- Tim Brayton @ Antagony & Ecstasy
- Mark Dujsik @ Mark Reviews Movies
- Excerpt: Where Insidious: Chapter 3 stumbles—and it’s a big deal—is that the individual scenes and the whole of the movie never pay off in a satisfactory way
- James Jay Edwards @ FilmFracture
- Hugo Gomes @ http://cinematograficamentefalando.blogs.sapo.pt/everest-2015-1662663 [Portuguese]
- Vadym Grygoriev @ kinoblog.com [Ukrainian]
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: I guess the nicest thing I can say about Chapter 3 is that it doesn’t leave a stench as rank as Chapter 2. It’s not horrible – just dull.
- Ben Kendrick @ Screen Rant
- Excerpt: A streamlined story and menacing villain make-up for Insidious: Chapter 3‘s imperfections – an eerie, albeit forgettable, horror movie.
- [New – 10/15/16] | Jennie Kermode @ Eye For Film
- Jeremy Kibler @ The Artful Critic
- Excerpt: As an addition to this ooga-booga series, it’s effectively startling in the scare department and brings more emotional stakes than are usually found in most horror sequels.
- Brent McKnight @ The Last Thing I See
- Paulo Peralta @ CinEuphoria [Portuguese]
- Jason Pirodsky @ Expats.cz
- Excerpt: Insidious 3, for a good long while, is flat-out scary: writer and debut director Leigh Whannell has a great feel for atmosphere and spatial continuity, and delivers these moments with maximum impact.
- José M. Robado @ CineCrítico [Spanish]
- Jerry Roberts @ Armchair Cinema
- Excerpt: A better remake of “Poltergeist” then the remake of “Poltergeist”, this second-sequel that’s actually a prequel in many ways overcomes its shortcomings by presenting us with interesting characters and a worthwhile set-up. Unfortunately, that can’t last and much of the movie is spent banging and rattling the same old mislaid cliché tiger cage that has trapped nearly every haunted house movie since that classic Spielberg/Hooper classic all those years ago.
- Diego Salgado @ Guía del Ocio [Spanish]
- Amir Siregar @ Amir at the Movies [Indonesian]
- Frank Swietek @ One Guys Opinion
- Excerpt: More tedious than frightening…a threadbare possession tale gussied up with some hopelessly mediocre shock effects.
- Andrew Wyatt @ Gateway Cinephile
- Excerpt: While there is an undeniable banality to the Insidious series’ surface features, there’s always been a bit of auteurist gleam underneath, epitomized by Whannell’s fixation with world-building and his almost casual disregard for the Syd Field screenwriting paradigm.