Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Rick Aragon @ Rick’s Texan Reviews
- Andrea Chase @ KillerMovieReviews.com
- Excerpt: Here is female rage channeled by Sweeneey into its purest essence, with results that are unsettling, even grotesque, and yet satisfying as Sister Cecelia starts making her own choices about her body and her life.
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Take the politics and (most of) the sexual hysteria out of…“The Devils” and cross it with “Rosemary’s Baby” and the 70’s exploitation film “Mark of the Devil” and you’ll have some idea of what Sydney Sweeney’s passion project, “Immaculate,” is like.
- Kat Hughes @ THN
- Victoria Luxford @ City AM
- Excerpt: Immaculate is a noisy, unsophisticated horror that might prove to be a crowd-pleaser given the popularity of its star. However, it’s unlikely to be considered a genre classic.
- Harrison Martin @ Flixfrog
- Excerpt: Immaculate proves how a great concept can be derailed by poor execution. Sydney Sweeney turns in one heck of a performance though!
- C.H. Newell @ Father Son Holy Gore
- Excerpt: Immaculate is a horrific, deadpan satire of how the Catholic Church treats women, a very literal depiction of nuns as Brides of Christ followed through to an unnerving biological end.
- [New] | Diego Salgado @ Sofilm [Spanish]
- Sebastian Zavala @ MeGustaElCine.com [Spanish]
- Excerpt: It’s not that it’s BAD; is that it’s completely average and un-scary, especially for those audience members who have experience with the genre.