Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Alex Brannan @ CineFiles Reviews
- Laura Clifford @ Reeling Reviews
- Excerpt: Presumably, [Jordan’s] meant “Greta” to play straight…Instead he may have a camp classic on his hands as the movie is a howler, a cheesy horror film gussied up with big stars and slick production.
- Herman Dhaliwal @ Cinema Sanctum
- Excerpt: It’s a fairly generic stalker thriller on paper, but the actors are all able to bring a sense of commitment and gravity to both the silly and the suspenseful elements of the story.
- James Jay Edwards @ FilmFracture
- [New] | Federico Furzan @ Cinelipsis [Spanish]
- Mark Hobin @ Fast Film Reviews
- Excerpt: Isabelle Huppert is so obviously aware that the script is beneath her, that she digs in with all fours. She exhibits a maniacal delight that is equally charismatic and frightening.
- MaryAnn Johanson @ FlickFilosopher.com
- Excerpt: Complete nonsense, and not in a good way, with an enraging side dish of male undercutting of women’s friendships. For a movie to be both this ludicrous and this predictable is quite an achievement.
- Jeremy Kibler @ The Artful Critic
- Excerpt: What seems largely derivative remains eminently watchable the juicier and more overwrought “Greta” gets.
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Excerpt: No re-Gretas about catching this.
- Aaron Neuwirth @ we Live Entertainment
- Excerpt: The movie is ridiculous, but the actors stare at each other with enough seriousness to make it commendable that they stuck with this script presumably to work with Jordan.
- Amir Siregar @ Amir at the Movies [Indonesian]
- Excerpt: Greta’ updates the psychopathic-stalker-movies genre without improving on it much. Isabelle Huppert’s freaky performance dazzles!