Here are review links for this film submitted by our members:
- Francisco Cangiano @ CineXpress [Spanish]
- Matt Donato @ We Got This Covered
- Excerpt: Visual fancies overload the senses early and often, only to hope the kaleidoscope artistry lingers long enough to overcompensate for back-end dullness.
- Wesley Lovell @ Cinema Sight
- Simon Miraudo @ Student Edge
- Jared Mobarak @ JaredMobarak.com
- Excerpt: While Sanders’ film epitomizes the American mainstream machine dumbing down intelligent international properties, it isn’t inherently a bad film as much as a poor adaptation. But willingly allowing yourself to create a work wherein Asian characters are killed so their minds can be harvested into cybernetic white bodies nevertheless condones a depiction of ethnic cleansing.
- Darren Mooney @ the m0vie blog
- Kristy Puchko @ CBR.com
- Excerpt: The great irony of the film is that while its plot is all about the search for soul, “Ghost In The Shell” is all style, no soul — or, rather, all shell, no ghost.
- Nuno Reis @ SciFiWorld Portugal
- Excerpt: Deixemos passar mais algumas semanas para ver se as polémicas não ofuscam a bilheteira de um excelente trabalho. “Ghost in the Shell” dignifica um género (estranhamente) menor onde as comparações com uma obra-prima são inevitáveis, e não tiveram medo de se içarem a esse nível.
- James Roberts @ Glide Magazine
- Excerpt: For a movie about soul and identity, Ghost in the Shell is certainly lacking in both.